Phone Number - Sara Sampaio

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Hey loves, It's been a while I mean really long time since i've posted stories. I hope you all doing great and still remember me😂 at least my stories🥹.

Hope you all will like this imagine as well..
Sara Sampaio's Imagine😍

You were sitting in the car with your close friend Kelsey Merrit about the party you're going to attend. You're looking at the window as the car pass by the familiar road. " Stop acting like teenager Y/n." Kelsey said as you look anxiety and fiddling your fingers.

" Who me? I am not acting like a teenager, Kelsey." you said as you turn to looking at her. Kelsey, just smiled at you and shake her head. " It's obvious Y/n, just stop thinking about it already, darling. Just go with the flow, Y/n." Kelsey, said, and you just shook your head " No, I think I'm just excited, I guess? " you said as you frowned at yourself. " Y/n I will do anything to help you get your crush phone number." Kelsey said as she throws her left arm around your shoulders.

You were looking at the window blankly as your mind's having numerous thoughts. You have a massive crush on Sara Sampaio, and she's attending one of the after party event of fashion show. Luckily, you were also invited to the event, you're excited to see her but at the same time Kelsey, said she will introduce you to Sara as she's really good friend with more likely bestfriends.

Soon after, you reach the destination where the event held. " Excited? " Kelsey asking as you both exit from the car. " Super nervous. " you said as you adjusted your makeup. " You don't have to Y/n. Just go with the flow and don't panic like you always do." Kelsey said, and you both walked away from the car to the entrance.

You walked with Kelsey beside you, and you saw your ex that broke your heart a trillion times. Taylor Hill. You and Taylor were dating each other back at the beginning of your career. You're a huge fan of her, and you have this crush thing too, but then she gets to know about this crush thing, and she finds you attractive too. So, both of you talk to each other and Taylor suggests figuring out what you both have, and it really works out until one day, Taylor came to you and said, " Y/n I fell out of love with you." that's when your heart breaks for the first time, and it really hurts.

You are accepted what it is, so you both talk about this for a week and broke up as she loves someone else. You still love her though since she's your first love, first kiss and first everything. Likewise, you're both still friends, and she still knows you love her but not as used to be but still do.

" Hey Kelsey, Y/n." Taylor said as she hugs you and Kelsey. " Hi." you said as pulled yourself away. " Let's go there, Y/n." Kelsey said, as she looked at the place, she asking you to go with her. You nodded and walk away with her.

" Heyyy." Kelsey said as she stood in front of a girl. " Hello." an angelic voice said, that's when your whole heart was stopped and everything around you froze. It's Sara, Sara Sampaio. You are looking at the person in front of you is the person your crush for what 3 years now. " You must be Y/n right? " Sara said as she's looking right into your eyes that you always want to see. You can't form a sentence as you are starstruck and shocked, obviously.

"To the earth Y/n" Kelsey said as she nudged you. "Hi" you said as scratched your head shyly. Sara smiles at you and says, "I know I've seen you a few times with Tay but Tay never introduced you to me until you two broke up." Sara said. "Oh" you could only say that word as you remember how Taylor broke up with you and the reason she broke up with you.

Sara noticed that sad look on you, and she tried to make you feel better, "Hey, it's okay, you know. It's better to be broke up than be with each other where one has the feelings while the other not." she said as she comes closer to you, and you can see your friends are more into their world. "Need to take some fresh air." you said as you walked away without seeing Sara nor your friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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