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Chapter three

Foolish one

"𝘼𝙝!" 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙤𝙚 𝙮𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 as she felt a weight jump onto her the next morning after she managed to catch a couple hours of sleep.

"Upsy daisy Mons! Me and you have Defence against the dark arts with the Gryffindors!" She heard the voice of Alex yell as the curly-haired sat on top of her.

"No! Alex, I fucking hate Professor Holiday and bloody Gryffindors!" Monroe said digging her head further into the pillow.

She heard Alex sigh as she stood up and began walking out of the room and said, "If you don't get out of bed I'm burning all of your muggle music."

Monroe groaned loudly into the pillow and sat up, "Fine! I'll be out I'm a second let me get dressed."

"Okie dokie." The Slytherin rolled her eyes as her dorm room door closed and began to get dressed in her green Slytherin robes, questioning why she ever in her right mind she gave Alex the spare key to her dorm room.


"Yes Padfoot, she was just sitting there." James Potter said as he and his friends sat down in the back of the Defence against the dark arts classroom, discussing how James had seen Monroe in the kitchens the night before.

Sirius set his bag down and sat beside Remus and said, "She was just sitting there drinking tea? Not performing some voodoo shit to try and curse someone? Or beating a first year?"

Remus snickered a laugh as James rolled his eyes and responded, "No, Sirius she wasn't."

Sirius slouched in his seat muttering something under his breath as Peter spoke up, "Y'know What I thinks funny, the fact that every girl in this entire school would do anything to get a chance for you to want them except Monroe Taylor."

James scoffed and said, "I could get Monroe Taylor to want me."

"Y'think so?"

James smirked, "I don't think, Wormtail, I know."

"Y'know what, Prongs, if you're so confident, I've got a challenge for you." Sirius spoke sitting up straight in his seat.

"Go on then." James said looking at him intently.

"If you can get Monroe Taylor to fuck you in a month, I'll give you twenty galleons." Sirius said keeping quieter so the Professor wouldn't hear.

"And if I loose?"

Sirius thought for a moment before saying, "You do all of my homework for a month."

James rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek and was thinking for a moment. Remus looked between his three friends and said, "No, James this isn't a good idea. Something like this could really fuck someone up."

Peter turned towards Remus and said, "Oh come on Moony it's just a bit of fun. Besides, it's not like he's going to brake her heart, she'd have to have one in order for that to happen."

"I'll do it." The other three looked towards James as he spoke up, a slight smirk on his face as he and Sirius shook hands.

"One month, Prongs. Try your best." Sirius said turning towards the front of the class as Professor Holiday began talking.

Remus looked between his friends with a worried look. Knowing this in no way would end well.


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