Rainbow FruitSquad

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eowyn notices Aaron being a pus** for once oh huhhhh?????. Eowyn decides to make a squad of her own ( Well she kinda already did ).Eowyn makes the squad her main fit looks like this

( Funny picture )Ikr very funny this is what the creepy pasta fandom did ( Slenderman approved + **** and ***** too ( also joke )

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( Funny picture )
Ikr very funny this is what the creepy pasta fandom did ( Slenderman approved + **** and ***** too ( also joke )

Her squad can easily beat up the fart squad yeah tottaly all she can do is kick and jump .( sounds very weak)

Aaron got joe Biden to jump and kick eowyn Eowyn aesthetically  dies and than comes back to life

( I will jump you president I need to stop Aaron )

Joe Biden gets scared of eowyn and leaves aesthetically

Boom gay!!!

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