Chapter 1: Family First

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As i struggle to open my eyes to answer a call on my phone, I look over and see that Tess is still fast asleep. I answer the phone call, It's Andy. Andy is someone i raced back in Wiltshire a few years back, and we've been buddies ever since, considering he beat me.

Joe: "Andy! Hey mate, how's it going? Haven't seen you in ages!"
Andy: "Hey Joe! I'm good, how are you?"
Joe: "I'm good, mate, I'm good."
Andy: "Hey, I was just wondering if Jordan has been in contact with you about the race tonight?"

Jordan is Andy's younger brother and one of the main people that plan the street races for us.

Joe: "No I haven't! See i haven't been in a race last week! I've been ill recently, but I feel much better today, and I think i might come out tonight if Tess lets me out of the house!"
Andy: "Ohh, I see. Oh well, I'll try to keep calling him and see if he replys!"
Joe: "Alright, let me know if you get anything."
Andy: "For sure buddy!"
Joe: "Alright, keep in touch, say 'Hello' to Amanda for us!"
Andy: "Alright will do mate! See you later, Joe!"
Joe: "See you later, mate!"

I hang up and put the phone down and Tessa starts to wake up.

Joe: "Hey Munchkin!" I say staring into her deep green eyes.
Tessa: "Hey! Was that Andy?" she says in her deep morning voice.
Joe: "Yeah, it was. He was seeing if I knew anything about the race tonight."
Tessa: "How is he?
Joe: "He's good, I'm assuming. He didn't sound too great to be honest."
Tessa: "Yeah, I would be assuming too, you know, after his mother passing away, Amanda expecting, the big accident!"
Joe: "Yeah, but I'm sure he'll be fine!"

As I go upstairs to have breakfast, my phone goes off, It's Andy!

Andy: "I've texted him twenty million times and no reply. Might go around after Amanda's 6 month scan! Wanna come around with me to Jordan's?"

I'm trying to text him back, I'm swooped by the smell of eggs and bacon coming from upstairs.

Joe: "I'm in. I'll come around you're place!"

I replied back to Andy and carry on upstairs to see that Tess has made breakfast for Me, her and Caspar.

Joe: "What's all this for?
Tess: "I wanted to use all the eggs and bacon, they were almost out of date." she says in her cute New Zealand accent!"

I go over to her and kiss her on the forehead, followed by a hug.

Joe: "Thank you! Should i go and get Caspar?"
Tess: "Yes, please!"

She looks up at me with the brightest green eyes and the cutest smile, we share a passionate kiss and she pushes me off!

Tess: "Go get Caspar!" as she slaps my chest.

I go downstairs to Caspar's room, bust through the door and jump on him!


Caspar struggles to wake up and is still half asleep. He was so tired, he tripped about three times coming up the stairs, he didn't even eat the left over pizza from last night. We finished up everything and cleaned up everything while Caspar went back downstairs to sleep, while Tess and I stayed upstairs watching the Transformers trilogy, this is where my love of cars came from, and of course The Fast and the Furious franchise. I hear my phone buzzing in my pocket, it must be Andy. I take out my phone, and It 's Zoe! I am in shock as I read the text

Joe: "Oh No!"
Tess: "What's up?"

I still sit there in shock refusing to answers Tessa's question.
I hesitate to reply.

Joe: "It's Zoe!"
Tessa: "Okay, what does she want?"

A few seconds of silence swoops in, the quiet is so loud, the only thing interfering is the tube train going past.

Joe: "Zoe and Alfie have broken up!"
Tess: "Oh no, is she okay? Tessa walking from the kitchen counter over to me.
Joe: "Yeah. Shes coming up for few days and bringing Alan up with her aswell!"

Tess hugs me so tightly that I can barely breathe and I'm still in shock. No more Zalfie.

Tess: "Let's tidy the rest of the house shall we?" Tess suggested
Joe: "Yeah whatever."

She can tell I'm still in shock. As we are getting the house ready for Zoe and Nala, I realize that i was suppose to be at Andy's house 15 minutes ago, I quickly get out my phone and text him

Joe: "Sorry bud, can we do later tonight? Zoe and Nala are coming up to stay with us for a few days, her and Alfie have broken up. Got anything from Jordan yet?"

It's 2:54 now, Zoe should be here any second, I can't wait to see her, I haven't seen her in ages. Andy texts back.

Andy: That's okay mate. Naw, poor Zoe, say Hi to her from me, Amanda and our little princess. I have the deets on tonights race btw. We could go after that!"

I quickly reply back.

Joe: "PRINCESS? Wow, congrats bro, will do, Zoe will be happy! What times the race tonight?

I quickly press send when Zoe comes bursting through the door followed by Nala.

Joe: "ZOE!"
Zoe: "JOE!"

I'm so happy to see my sister, I run up to her and give her the most brotherly/sisterly hug ever. Tess is playing on the floor with Nala while waiting for me and Zoe to finish so she can say Hi.
It's 6:45 and I'm waiting for a reply from Andy, so far, nothing, so I suggested that we all go out and grab a Starbucks before i start to get ready to go and pick up Andy. My phone goes off, finally, he has answered.

Andy: ", starting line at London Bridge, finish line down Oxford St!"

I quickly text him back.

Joe: "Cool, I'll come pick you up in the Challenger. See you soon!"

We arrive back home and I go downstairs to get ready. Tess comes down when I'm almost ready to go upstairs and out the door.

Tess: "You're not going to a race are you?"
Joe: "Yeah I am. I'm picking up Andy on the way then were going to go to Jordan's place!"
Tess: "Joe, you're sister is here. Shes just suffered a break up. You barely see her. You should spend time with her, you know she won't be around forever!"
Joe: "Look, shes with you, just talk about girl things or watch Empire or something! I'm sure you two will be fine! And theres always tommoro, I'll take her to Central London or something!"
Tess: "Yes, but what if you never come home and theres never a tommoro for you?" she sounding concerned now
Joe: "Hey, I'll be fine, okay?! Don't worry. I love you."

I kiss her on the forehead and make my way upstairs when Caspar stops me in my tracks.

Caspar: "You know you don't have to do this Joe!"
Joe: "And who's going to stop me?"

I look back at Caspar and laugh.

Joe: "Yeah you do!"

As I'm getting close to the door, I say bye to Zoe and I just hope that she doesn't make a fuss about it.

Joe: "See you later Zoe!"
Zoe: "You're not going to a street race are you?"
Joe: "Oh no, not you!"
Zoe: "Joe, you need to realize how bad this is! It's not good for you! What do you think you're viewers are going to think or feel?" shes starting to raise her voice now.
Joe: "There not going to find out alright so can you just leave it? I don't want anyone else on my case!
Zoe: "Joe! You're my brother, I don't want to lose you!"

I look around at all three of them staring at me in despair. I just walk out and slam both doors behind me.
I get into my Audi TT that I picked up a few months ago from Daddy Sugg. I drive over to my private garage with my Challenger in it. I get to my garage and swap cars, but first, I stare at my Challenger and smile. I get behind the wheel and put my keys in the ignition and start it up and give it a bit of power.

Oh the sweet sound of a pure American Muscle V8.

"I'm back baby!"

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