Part 1

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Raya Stark is the first born daughter of eddard Stark. By accident and not by accident she traveled to be on the wall looking for one person and one person only. It was one person that she read to the history books, known as Brendan Rivers or better known as the blood Raven.

She traveled be on the wall without anybody knowing that she was gone. She traveled beyond the wildlings and the dead without being noticed and or found, not even the members of Castle black knew she was out there she traveled and traveled when she came to a beautiful tree.

Stopping at the tree she was welcomed by the children of the forest, the ones that were left anyways. Entering inside the tree she meant the blood Raven. It was tense at first but she put her best effort towards the blood Raven both of them started to speak about certain things and he showed her that she has certain powers that she needed to control.

The blood Raven started to show her methods of controlling her powers especially the ones of her warging. She was getting in control of it until one time between both of them by accident or maybe by accident she ended up 172 years back the ruling of King viserys the first.

It didn't take long to figure out where she was and when she was getting moment to get her mind under control and to figure out what she would do next. She knew that she was sitting on the north but she was so far in the past she knew that she needed that fast before the blood Raven comes and gets her.

She traveled to Kings Landing it took some time to get to Kings Landing but she got there. When she got there she saw in the city that the word was spreading the queen Aemma was soon to give birth and everyone said it's going to be a boy.

Raya understood from her time but the queen will die and so were the child. She knew that she needed to save the baby she wanted to save the baby and also she saw it if she was able to save the baby it would change history for her time. She made a way to the Palace getting in without being detected, she looked at every room try to find the Queen's rooms and soon enough she saw all the princess Rhaenyra and the lady Alicent walking to the Queen's rooms.

Raya staying in the shadows listening in into the conversation between them. She stayed there until both the girls left, Raya stayed in the red keep without anyone noticing that she was inside there at all.

She stayed in the red keep until the king announced the tourney to get underway, it didn't take any time for the tourney. Meaning that the queen was in labor,Raya watched every knight that was in this tournament.

She went back to the Queen's room to see the queen was having trouble trying to give birth to her child. Raya watched as the maester told the midwives that the child would breach and they needed the King right away. In the shadows she watched as the king, the hand of the king and other members coming to the Queens room and or stand outside of the door.

Raya took a moment to herself that she was going to act, she's going to save that baby. She has some Midwife clothes change to those entering inside the rooms by then when she and the baby was already out. She grabbed a hold of the baby placing her hand on a baby's chest using her powers as the blood Raven discussed with her, healing the baby the best way she knew how. It was cut short briefly because of the maester taking the movie out of her arms so he can hold it and hand it to the king.

There was a pause between everyone in the room, the queen was dead but the baby was alive. Raya stayed to make sure the baby would be all right, and a baby was the baby thrived. Raya knew that she need to get a King's Landing as fast as possible.

She had other things on her mind that she needed to get done before the blood Raven finds her. Leaving his Landing she went on her way, but what she did definitely change history when she saved that baby, the only son from his first wife.

The future King of the Seven Kingdoms, the baby was saved the queen was dead a funeral was held for the queen, the princess was happy to have a brother but she lost her mother which hurt her heart deeply. In the king's grief of losing his wife he felt like he chose the wrong choice, he made his daughter his heir even though he had a son. That did not sit well with the realm, they could not understand why he chose his daughter to be his heir and not his son.

The tension was thick among the Realm that he chose his daughter and not his son. The king got many advice from his counsel that he needed to take another wife to produce more heirs, more Sons he wasn't really quite sure if he should do that.

But in the end he did, there was one person that he enjoyed the most to be by the side someone that he could talk to. And that one was his daughter's best friend, Lady Alicent Hightower.

He married again for the princess it was strange her best friend was now her stepmother and the Queen. It was strange for a while little awkward but they got passed through it. Alicent gave birth to her first child from the King, it was another boy which they named aegon.

A few years more like 2 years passed and they were going on a hunting trip in the kingswoods together as a family inside the carriage was the king and the Queen, the princess Rhaenyra along with prince Baelon and Prince Aegon.

Each of them are joining each other's company. All of them were actually happy, the princess was holding her brother and her lap pointing out the window of the carriage as they passed the woods.

And soon as they saw the tents that was set up ready for the hunt. All exited the carriage and greeted by the Lords and ladies.

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