2 「T E A S E」 5

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point of view
catherine's outfit up top

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑, Catherine turned around and around as she looked at the outfit she had put on to go to the movie tonight.

The girl was kind of proud of her outfit of choice, she'd even planned on bringing an extra big bag to bring a small cover with her since she already knew how cold the movie theater was here.

Although the girl's preparations were quickly stopped as the sound of her phone ringing, caught her attention causing her to scurry over to her bed to grab a hold of it.

The girl flopped down onto her stomach with a giggle as she quickly lunged and scooted up in her bed to reach her phone that had gotten ruffled in her covers.

However her fuzzy bunny ears dropped when she saw who it was calling her, it was Jacob, and she'd only felt bad due to the reminder of what she'd done...or rather almost done with Paul earlier.

Yet despite that the girl still answer the phone, quick to place it on speaker phone since her human ears weren't out at the moment."

"Hey babe," Catherine immediately spoke as she placed her head into her folded hands, the girl gazing down at the phone with a nervous smile on her face. "what's up?"

"Good afternoon, my beautiful baby Bunny," Jacob greeted her with a happy yet confused tone, about the call between him and Bella. "did Bella tell you she's inviting us out to the movies later?"

"Yeah, she said she already asked you," Catherine answered nodding her despite the boy not being able to see him, her eyebrows furrowing as she thought about it. "I don't know why she suddenly wanted to go though."

"Well you didn't hear it from me," Jacob said with a small chuckle as he begin to fill the girl in partially with what Bella had told him when she'd called him about the movie idea. "but I think she's trying to apologize for the accident yesterday."

Hearing Jacob's words, Catherine couldn't help the large smile that came over her face, she was happy that her cousin had found a real way to apologize to her.

She'd begun to think that the girl didn't like her much after so many years, she surely acted like it.

"But I still don't think you should be up and around like you've been all day." Jacob continued his words, despite hearing the giggles Catherine let out at his words.

"You're still worried about my side," Catherine asked with raised eyebrows, she hadn't expected him to dwell on it so much, despite the fact her tone still tuned sultry. "even after what we did this morning?"

Jacob's eyes widened after he heard the girl mention what they'd done in the kitchen that morning, causing him to stutter a bit for an excuse.

"That was a momentary lap of my judgment." He found an excuse after a moment of stuttering, his words causing Catherine to chuckle under her breath for a moment.

"So you didn't enjoy it," Catherine asked teasingly as she twirled her tightly curled hair with her hand, she'd always wanted to tease the man. "cause I could have sworn you were about 3 seconds from cumming right on in me."

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