everybody talks

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TW: paranoia, nothing else I don't think?

Thank you lovely peoples for commenting because I literally had this chapter written and forgot to publish it in the chaos of all the packing I'm doing :/
My schedule is going to be hecka irregular because I'm still not done, but in about two - three more chapters we'll be finished. On with the story!


The whispered voices drifted over to Tommy.
"-don't think it's a coincidence." Will muttered
"No, me either. I noticed too." Phil replied. What were they talking about? Why were they whispering? Tommy felt he'd missed a key part of the conversion.

"I- I don't know if I should say this," Techno sighed, ducking his head slightly, "but maybe..."
"Just go ahead. He'll be coming back soon." Will again. So they were absolutely talking about him, then.
"The first night I was here..."

A million thoughts rushed through Tommy's head in an instant. His nightmare. What else? Techno saw it. Was he about to reveal that to everyone? They would laugh. They would think he was weak. Incapable. Useless. Techno clearly did. They were talking about him behind his back already. Oh he was screwed. No. No no no. He had to -

"Uh, guys," he crossed the threshold into the room, trying to look nonchalant as all eyes turned quickly, almost guiltily to him, "I think I'm going to... uh," he hadn't thought this far ahead! "You want to get... Like a smoothie or something?"

What? What in the world was that? The most pathetic, bizarre excuse ever! They were all looking at him like he'd grown another limb! Why suggest they do something? He couldn't have thought of a different suggestion? It was the only day they hadn't had to go out so far, not to mention nine thirty in the morning!

Techno cleared his throat.
"Uh, I just kinda had cereal. But... ow, Will! Yeah we could do that." Wilbur had poked him in the side. Probably to get him to agree. Because he felt bad for Tommy. Or because Tommy looked so pathetic standing there with his Psyducks. The awkwardness of the situation was making Tommy want to curl up and disappear.

"Sure, I'd love a smoothie!" Will smiled.
"Should we go out or order in?" Phil asked. They all looked at Tommy. He shuffled a bit, unsure where to go with this. Why was he so dumb?
"Um. Well. I guess we've been doing a lot of stuff. Maybe we just order in." He attempted a smile, which was really more like a grimace. Now at least he wouldn't be forcing them to trek to some random smoothie bar. 

Will nodded, pulling out his phone. He began looking up nearby smoothie places on some delivery app, and Techno peered down as well. Phil motioned Tommy over, plastering on a grin. He obliged, and they all looked over a menu.

"They also have milkshakes it looks like." Will stated.
"That looks good - chocolate salted caramel. You want that one Will?" Phil said, overly cheerfully it seemed to Tommy. Will just nodded, adding it to the order.
"Get me that red berry smoothie." Techno sat back, content.
"Blood for the blood god, eh? Toms? Phil?" Will glanced up.

Tommy had a thought. If they were really just being nice right now...
"Get me a vanilla milkshake."
There was a pause.

"I'd take a mint chocolate chip milkshake."
"Hehhh?" Techno looked at Phil in disgust, "Are you joking?"
"That's the toothpaste flavour Phil." Will had a mirrored expression of revulsion.
"Don't tell me you're one of the haters." Phil sighed, turning to Tommy mournfully.
"I don't mind mint chocolate chip." He shrugged. The other two immediately began to protest.

Tommy's mind was elsewhere. On a regular day if he had asked for vanilla, he would immediately be ribbed about being basic, just like they were annoying Phil about his preferences now. For some reason, they were all doing the thing where they treat Tommy as a glass figure, with an overabundance of caution. It wasn't really 'for some reason' though. Tommy knew the exact cause.

As usual, you're the problem.

This time, Tommy completely agreed. He made them all nervous every single time he messed up. Jumped when someone brushed by? Sighed deeply for no reason? Accidently picked his fingers until they bled? Of course they were stressed and on edge around him, he ruined everything!

"-still can't believe you agree, Tommy. Anyways, to each his own wrong opinion. Don't worry Phil, nobody's going to ask for a taste of yours. It's on its way." Will huffed slightly. Tommy blinked, coming back to the present.
"Should we... uh, you wanna finish the episode?" He waved at the paused screen.

The three of them glanced at each other.
"You sure? We can watch something else if you want." Techno said.
"Yeah, you pick something Tommy mate." Phil smiled. This was all weird. Everything felt wrong. Maybe Tommy hasn't hid his disinterest as well as he thought. But still it felt like they were being overly nice right now. Had he done something wrong?

"Is everything all right with you guys?" He did his best to chuckle casually, "You're being weird."
"Well... actu-"
"No nothing is wrong. Just turn on the show there. Since we're all fine with it." Phil cut Techno off, giving him a look. Tommy was beginning to get sick of them and their meaningful looks. They should just say they didn't want him around so he could go and leave them in peace.

Waste of space. You're ruining everyone's mood with just your presence. Do everyone a favour and stop talking. First you're loud and annoying, now you're accusing them when the only thing they've done wrong is be nice to you? Just shut up.

A heavy, sickening feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, as suddenly he felt the whole situation become crystal clear. They were being awkward and excessively nice to him because they had realised how annoying he was - they were letting him down slowly for when they would inevitably cut him out of the group. Tommy shivered. His Psyducks were trembling. No, his fingers were. He made a mental note to himself: unless he was directly addressed or asked a question, he'd be better off with his mouth shut.

He just didn't want to bother anybody.

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