Chapter 2

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"So you 2 done?" Kyouka asked, while Izuku and Momo were making out in the backseats of the Car that belonged to Magister Labrid, annoying Kyouka, since she is still single

"Sorry, but are we there yet?" Momo asked, as Izuku tried to activate the Omnitrix now

After a while they were at their Destination, junkyard

"Excuse me. What are we doing here?" Momo asked, as Labrid looked at them

"Stake out. According to a Tip from your Grandfather, the Forever Knights a Group of Criminals who" he started, as Kyouka interrupted

"Trade in Alien Technology, yeah we know, we run up against them before" Kyouka said, as they all looked on

"Their supposed to show up here tonight, to receive an Illegall shipment of Alien Tech" Labrid said, as they saw Cars and Truck apperaing

"From who?" Kyouk asked

"Don't know, Max was going to Tell me, but then he vanished ... someones coming" he said, as the Cars and Trucks stopped

Then came a Green Car, with Black Stripes, as it stopped there and the door opened, revealing a Boy with Yellow Hair

Then came a Green Car, with Black Stripes, as it stopped there and the door opened, revealing a Boy with Yellow Hair

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"That's Denki" Kyouka whispered

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"That's Denki" Kyouka whispered

"You know him?" Labrid asked, as Momo nodded

"That's Denki Kaminari. He's got special Powers, definitly not a Quirk. I fought him all the Time when we were Kids" Izuku stated, remembering how Denki absorbed his Aliens Powers once or twice before

"He got trapped in the Null Void, kind of an Extra-Dimensional Jail" Momo added, as the 4 looked on

As a Cloaked Man approached Denki with a Suitcase, handing it to him, Denki opening it

"Money's here" he said, looking back at his Partners, as they opened the Truck, as one of them brought out a Box

"Well he's brokering the Deal" Labrid said, as Izuku looked at him

"Why not, you said it was Illegal" Izuku said, as he didn't realize that the Omnitrix started glowing Blue

"As Promised, 4 Dozen factory new Laser Lances" Denki said, giving rhe Hooded figure the Case back, opening one of the Metal Boxes and pulling out a Laser Lance

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