Chapter one

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Eliza woke up feeling mortified though she wasn't sure why. Then she remembered it was picture day. It was her one day a year where nothing went right and only bad luck came her way. She didn't really believe in stereotypical stuff like black cats were bad luck and lucky random objects. Except that picture day always went wrong. Last year she went out of her way to prepare for any catastrophe that you can imagine happening at a middle school. She even put on mascara! But somehow, she ended up drenched in fountain water.

Yeah, the fountains exploded -they didn't even get anyone else wet. The worst part was she forgot to bring a change of clothes, so she had to walk around soaked all day. They couldn't even let her take her picture another day because of something to do with the camera or the system or something she didn't really care about.

"Ready yet, Ellie Bug?" Her dad asked through the door.

"Almost, Dad!" she cried back. She wished he'd stop calling her that. She was twelve now but she didn't have the heart to tell him that. She looked at her closet and decided to wear a t-shirt, and shorts. The shorts had white hearts all over them and the shirt was lavender. She loved lavender, so she had a bunch of stuff that color in her room - her comforter, closet doors, flowers, and even a snowglobe.

She looked in the mirror and brushed out her wavy black hair, Her emerald green eyes glimmered in the early light. Everyone was surprised by her bright green eyes. Her mom told her that the first thing the doctors said when she was born was wow! After she brushed her teeth, she rushed down stairs.

"Hey hon." Her mom said over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Making breakfast." Her mom replied. "I know you don't always have the best days on picture day so I thought we could start today off better." Just then the frying pan popped. Like actually popped. The handle burst off and the pancakes flew in the air. She thought that her bad luck was finally going to be the end of her. That was until she opened her eyes after realizing she had closed them and when she convinced herself she wasn't dead she looked up at her parents and couldn't help but laugh.

They were covered in pancakes and frying pan dust. Her mom handed her a smoothie.

"Enjoy breakfast." She said while wiping off her face with a towel.

"I did!" She exclaimed, still giggling. She gasped only just now thinking what she might look like. She ran to the mirror and with great delight saw nothing on her face or clothes. In fact she was glowing! Her eyes weren't just bright anymore they were glowing and her skin had turned even lighter than usual.

"Come on Eliza!" Her mom called.

"Be right down!" She yelled back. With that she ran down stairs hoping her eyes were just playing tricks on her.

On the way to school she kept thinking about what had happened at the house. It was probably just the lighting. Yeah of course it was, what else could it be? Nothing. It couldn't be anything else. Right?


A couple minutes later she arrived at school and headed to Home Room. Though she was still distracted, she forced herself to pay enough attention to make it there. When she finally arrived, she found her seat and tried to snap herself back to the real world so she could make it through class. After Mrs. Fantenalle took roll, she began the lesson and actually managed to make Eliza tired, not that that was so unusual. She never really enjoyed history much but the important thing was Eliza stayed focused which surprised her. When Home Room was over, she left for science class.

"Hey wait up E." her best friend Carol called from behind her.

"Hi C," Eliza answered when Carol caught up with her "What's up?" Carol had blond hair, blue eyes, tan skin and a big attitude but she was always there when Eliza needed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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