i just love when you smile, love when you're happy.

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Days seemed to pass so quickly now for Rain. He had made a promise to Phayu that he would get into university, so he was spending most of his time studying for the entrance exams. Sky would come over and help him frequently, and every time Rain struggled to pretend that there wasn't a boy hidden in his mirror laser focused on every move he made. There were always a few close calls, but from what he could see, Sky seemed to be completely clueless about the situation.

Because he was studying so much, the pair hadn't made any progress into Phayu's mystery. But right now, that was the last thing Rain wanted to do. Yes he wanted to learn more and more about Phayu, but with every new clue unearthed they were one step closer to saying goodbye. Rain never wanted to say those words to Phayu ever again.

With their confessions, the pair seemed completely unguarded around each other. Rain brought down his walls, letting Phayu see more of his personality. He wasn't afraid to be a little possessive over the older man. He also wasn't afraid to tease back anymore. Something Phayu quite enjoyed.

Seeing every side of Rain made Phayu's heart melt. For so long he knew that the Rain he was seeing was a version of Rain that the younger had fabricated to protect himself. He was himself yes, but never fully. Always trying to stop his ramblings before he went on too long, or holding back questions or remarks, He never wanted Phayu to see his flaws. Now he was more than willing to be vulnerable around him.

Though with their new status, there was one thing that was bugging Phayu. He couldn't touch Rain. He couldn't hold him, kiss him, do anything to him. It was worse than a long distance relationship that always had a meeting at some point. He got to see Rain every single day. It was torture. Always being so close but feeling worlds apart.

Their late night talks always ended with Rain falling asleep as close to the mirror as possible. He said it made it feel like he was actually sleeping next to Phayu, but that's all it was. Their imaginations were forced to work on overdrive. Phayu did wonder if he wasn't trapped in the mirror if things would be different. Ghosts could pick things up, move things around. If he was physically in Rain's room, could he be able to touch Rain if he concentrated enough? 

The sound of Rain's door slamming shut made Phayu jump from his thoughts. He hadn't realized he had gotten so lost in his own head. Rain stomped his way to his bed, falling face first into it and letting out a muffled scream into his pillow. Phayu raised an eyebrow, completely lost. What had happened to Rain to make him this mad?

"Rain, is everything okay?" He asked. He spoke gently, trying not to startle the other male. Rain rolled to look at the mirror, his face still squished against the pillow making his cheek puff a bit. He let out a heavy sigh before he finally began to speak.

"Well I finally told my dad what I wanted to go to university for, and he just lectured me about how it wouldn't be something that could help me take over his business. So I told him I never had any intention of taking over his business and then that just made him even more angry so he started yelling at me to the point that my mom had to step in to calm him down, and then he said I wasn't his son anymore and stormed off."

"You said you and your parents never fight. Why would he react so harshly like that?" Phayu asked, obviously worried about Rain. The younger shrugged, pulling himself up from the bed and practically crawling over to the mirror. Full movement was too hard on his body right now. Rain wanted nothing more than to just curl into a ball and disappear.

"I don't know... It's not the first time I've told him I don't want to take over his business. He knows I never wanted that. I guess maybe he got excited seeing me finally take interest in going to university and was really hoping I would be a business major. Maybe he thought I had changed my mind."

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