The dm

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Yns pov:

It's currently 5:18 pm and I'm just scrolling on insta gran when I get a notification saying Jacob day has Dmed you

Yn: omg is this real no this can't be real how could he have noticed me cause well I'm me *she opens the DM*

(The DM)

Jacob: yo so is this yn McAllister

Yn: yeah it is why

Jacob: well I over heard Thomas and Mia saying they wanted another house member so I wanted to suprise them and I thought you would be the perfect fit!

Yn: well Jacob that's a very nice offer but I will have to think abt it cause I just got all my stuff unpacked from moving out of my parents house

Jacob: yeah no problem also if u decide it's a yes I can come help pack and bring the stuff over.

Yn: alright I'll let you know

(End of DMS for now)

You immediately scream of joy knowing your going to say yes u just didn't wanna see desperate

Yn: omg Jacob mother fucking day just Dmed me

(End of yns pov)

Jacobs pov)

Jacob thinks this is gonna be awesome not to mention yn is smoking hot I think I'ma tell mia and Thomas

Jacob texts the hype house gc

(Cool kids)

Slendie : yo I found a new house member her insta is  yn_mcalister


Thomas: I mean I don't see why not

Slendie: ok but I do have to say sum

Thomas: ok what

Slendie: so I find yn really attractive but do not and I mean DO NOT tell her

Mia: I cant promise that

Thomas: I promise

Slendie : MIA I SWEAR

(end of texts)

A few hours later Jacobs phone  dings it's yn

Jacob opens it and it says " I would love to move in see u tomrrow at 9am"

Jacob goes down to tell the others they all prep her room

I hope u guys liked it sorry it was so short but I'm so tired it's 4 am for me rn so gn luvs

Jacob day x ynWhere stories live. Discover now