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Sokka scratched his chin as he read the Fire Nation map. He could see the fire nation's capital, but there was no map depicting it entirely. He couldn't find his way in or out. He would imagine that there would be guards if he tried to get in to steal a map.
He heard a noise and immediately took a fighting stance, looking for an intruder. The noise came in again, and he looked at his door like it had betrayed him. It was only a knock. He had been jumpy ever since he heard about the coup Firelord Ozai and Prince Zuko were planning. For some reason, he felt like Ozai had seen him when he was hiding beside his window. He had heard Zuko's voice before he heard Ozai talking in a hushed whisper about killing the principal. It will throw the school into chaos.

This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. With Yue disappearing, Zuko going missing (although he wasn't at school when he went missing), Jet's pull in Ozai's quarters even after installing a lot of guards in his quarters (his sister's water-bending was very effective, but it had put her in trouble), and Katara's new obsession with Aang. He knew they were just practicing, but he couldn't help but worry. Would she be alright?
He walked up to the door and looked through the peephole he had installed in it. Suki stared at him from the hole. Ever since Yue left, he hadn't been himself. It's been a while since he invited the non-benders into his room. It would always remind him about Yue and how she would cook a lot of food for them, knowing how much Sokka liked to eat. He had been communicating with Suki a lot, and he wouldn't lie; he had a soft spot for her, but he's not ready to move on from Yue just yet. He opened the door and let her in, closing the door immediately after she entered. He had a habit of checking the corridors and the windows for intruders ever since he had overheard Ozai.
Suki sat in his study chair. He has almost forgotten to study ever since he came back from the northern water tribe. Studying had been the furthest thing from his mind. All he thought about were the killings that had been going on under the school's nose, the tribal chiefs of the water tribe, and the earth kings of Omashu and Ba Sing Se. How hadn't he noticed them? His grandfather had known about it, and he said,
“You are children. You aren't supposed to know about them.”

It frustrates Sokka to no end. But he can't do anything about it. He stared at Suki before he said,
"Suki, I am fine. You don't have to come and check on me every day.”

“I am not checking on you. I just want to remind you that all Yue has sacrificed won't be in vain. Anyway, the non-benders miss you. Jet's gone, and you are depressed, but you're the only leader they know. You should visit them and let them know that you're alright.” she said, crossing her leg and staring back at him.
Sokka hadn't known how much force Suki had until she knocked sense into him. For a second, he felt like kissing her, but then he shook his head and thought to himself, "You recently left a relationship. You shouldn't be fantasizing about another girl. Yue will not be pleased with you."

He got himself together and said,
“I see. I'll meet them later.”

“You can't,” she said, uncrossing her leg and getting up from his chair.

Why did she get up? he thought. He shook his thoughts away and said,
“Why not?”

“They are waiting for you in front of your door,” she said, heading towards the door.

“What?!” he screeched.
Before he could stop her, she unlocked the door, and in came his fellow non-benders. They came bearing gifts like food, snacks, beers, and a few other things. Mai and Ty Lee came in too, holding onto food flasks. Ty Lee was all smiles, while Mai looked very uncomfortable. She looked like she would rather be at home than with them. For a second, Sokka felt emotional. He stared at everyone as Tenya said,
“We are here for you, Sokka. You are our leader, and we are your followers.”
At the corner of Sokka's eye, he saw Mai try to raise her hand, but Ty Lee dragged her hand down and chimed in,
“Yes, Sokka. Don't leave your followers hanging. We wouldn't know what to do without you.”
It sounded like mockery to Sokka, but this is the best that Ty Lee can say without being downright rude. That night, they laughed and had fun like usual, and Sokka didn't feel guilty about having fun, while Yue might be sad where she is now. The next day, Sokka had worked out what he wanted to do. He can't do it alone, but he has someone who has an affinity for every element. He sorted out Aang in the forest and watched as he practiced with Katara. Katara was getting better at waterbending, but she wasn't better than Aang yet. After a while, they stopped to take a rest. Aang sat on a branch, while Katara sat on the forest floor.
Sokka chose this time to make his presence known.
“Sokka!” the bald boy screamed like an excited child.
For a second, Sokka remembered their adventure during the excursion. He was very different under the different circumferences. He couldn't fault the boy. He tried to fit in, but everyone regarded him as an outsider, and a few called him a lion turtle. He didn't look or behave like one, but how should Sokka know how a lion turtle behaves?

Who did it? (SOKKA'S POV)Where stories live. Discover now