Belle (Overload)

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Ahem-...i may have gotten overboard...

Angelina glared at the faerie as she took out another arrow and aimed at her (the faerie) ready to shoot.

"Salvation! Where did you bring the humans!"

She shouted as another lady with clear blue wavy hair appeared and created a spear made of water.

The faerie frowned as she rolled her eyes, "And why exactly should i tell you when you know where they are?"

Angelina grinds her teeth in anger, "Return them to their world, Salvation!"

The faerie scoffed, "And why should i obey you?"

The god behind Angelina shouts in anger, "Salvation you should know yourself that humans wont be able to handle staying her for a long time! This place is swarming with divine energy that their mortal bodies cannot be able to hold!"

The faerie again rolled her eyes, "And you think I'd let them intake divine powers like an idiot? Ofcourse their safe"

The faerie then felt an erie feeling as she barely dodges a black ball of energy shot towards her. The faerie laughs crazily as she welcomed the new god that joined her.

"Welcome God Of Death"

The god of death glared at the faerie, "Salvation if you dont want to mess with me you'll hand over the mortals"

The faerie smirked, "Why? Upset that i took away your playthings? Upset that i was the first one he made a deal with?"

The God of Death launched another black ball of energy towards the faerie as she dodges smoothly.

"Ohoho~ you are upset! You all are! Because of me taking away your precious entertainment ~"

The faerie laughed, "Ha! Pathetic! Well~ first come first serve~"

The God of Death clenched his fist, "How did you leave the World of illusion anyway?...its impossible! You're jailed here!"

The faerie grinned, "Do you wanna know? Hmm~? I could tell you! So do you wanna know? Curious ~?"

The faerie excitedly and playfully said, "Although im not fully freed yet, i can move from this world to your world!"

She spins around in a circle as she floats through the air. "You see~ i met a man in the woods as i was playing with my cute pets! I was very, very confused why he, despite not being a faerie could freely walk around in the forest of illusion"

The faerie was very skeptical of the man who suddenly appeared behind her at that time, and was ready to kill him. The God's listened intently as they wanted to know who would dare try to ruin the peace by letting one of the faeries out of their cage.

"He gave me a very wonderful and fun game, He said if i completed it i would be free! I just have to show the world of TBOAH what the game was and the player Cale Henituse!"

The faerie giggled sinisterly, "Ah...but he also said once the game ends the player would be taken away by him!"

The Gods looked at each other, "So...what is that strangers name?..."

The faerie looked down at them from above where she had floated and thought for a moment tying to remember before answering.



[Meanwhile Cale and the talking bunny were trying to figure out a way to get out of the white space they had been teleported to.]

"Where is Cale right now?..." Violan asked as the guide who was a bunny was nervously trying to figure out where they are.

"Im sure it will be shown in the video so please be patient ma'am" the black centipede said as he tucked the childrens to sleep.

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