The awakening

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(Quick note I sat here for atleast 10 mins staring at this like some kind of psychopath before finally writing something)

Bright stars scattered along the dark night sky. Though they were mostly covered by trees, bits of light found their way through the thick layer of leaves and branches before ending up on the forest floor.

Faint sounds of wildlife echoed through the trees. A boy can be seen sitting down with his back to a tree. His face had various streaks of dirt and mud. Small scars could be seen along his hands. They crept up onto his arms before stopping right below his shoulders.

His clothes were torn and dirty due to the environment he was in. He seemed to be in his early twenties. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open, a groan escaped his mouth as he finally came to his senses.

As soon as his eyes were fully open a small prick of panic flowed through his body. Where the hell was he? The nearest living organism seemed to be far away. He finally started to get up and leaned on the tree for support. His head spinned after he reached his full height. Slowly regaining his strength he started to move around. He had no idea where he was going or who he was. All he knew is that he needed to find shelter and fast.

He suddenly heard a deep growl behind him yet it seemed distant. He whipped around to see a scrawny wolf. It's ribs were visible beneath its thick fur yet that didn't make it any less dangerous. He turned around and broke into a full sprint, branches and various things slashed his body but it wasn't enough to make him bleed. Red marks were left where they hit him. His breath became strangely under control as he ran from the dangerous beast right behind him.

He could feel it's hot breath on his heels as he kept on running. He had no idea how much more longer he could keep on running like this but he knew it wouldn't be very long before the wolf caught up. As if his silent prayers had been answered the sound of rushing water filled his ears. A river! He could try to get across it. The wolf was in no shape or form of swimming or taking any risks. If it tried it would probably fail miserably.

Soon enough, rushing blue liquid entered his sight. A clear path to survival was right infront of him. He just needed to find out how to get across. He swiftly changed directions and ran to his left. Hopefully he could spot a way across if he ran along the side of it instead of falling right in and drowning or possibly getting eaten.

He suddenly spotted a large boulder in the middle of the river, there were some other large rocks around it. If he could jump across them he could get away from the monster behind him. He took a deep breath before dashing towards the rocks and jumping across one by one. Surprised by his own athleticism and balance he made it across the river but of course with a price. On the last rock he had slipped and hurt his ankle. He landed roughly on the other side, scrapping his arms on the ground and somehow getting even more filthy.

He could hear the whines and growls of the wolf on the other side of the river before it retreated back into the other half of the woods.

He sighed heavily and turned to lay on his back. His eyes shone brightly as he stared at the stars before getting up with a groan and limping deeper into the woods.


625 words... I never expected to get this far but I did. Will this mysterious man find shelter? Or will he come across something different?

Something I wrote in my free timeWhere stories live. Discover now