" Congratulations "

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Alarm clock rings . . .

"Annoying.." He stops the alarm clock aggressively from ringing. He slowly opens his eyes. Another day, another step to his never ending miserable and stressful life. He stretches his arms widely and yawns. He got up on his feet and walked onto the bathroom.

Few moments later . . .

He starts going downstairs and made his way to the kitchen. Unfortunately, today is his unlucky day. He already witnessed his two moms already being 'lovey-dovey' with each other. He looked at both of them with a disgusted face.

"Jeez.. it's 7am in the morning. Give me a break."

He said as he rolled his eyes. As the pink hard woman held the purple haired woman by her waist, she looked at him with a teasing face.

"Just admit you're jealous you don't get to experience this, Scaramouche."

Yae gave Scaramouche a teasing smile until the purple haired woman spoke up.

"Yae. Stop teasing him."

Ei sighed.

"Anyways, Scaramouche how's your contest coming up? Are you prepared for it?"

Ei smiled as she waited for him to answer her questions. Scaramouche looked surprised as he realizes he had a contest later on. Scaramouche was known in his school for his artistic skills in painting. Although, he had the talents and skills alright but he didn't show it neither express it to other people. But of course, he was forced to enter for the sake of their school's reputation. Scaramouche sighed in annoyance.

"It's fine. I can win it easily on my own."

He then grabbed the food Ei had prepared for him and ate it on his way to school.

At School hallways . . .

As Scaramouche walked through the hallways, two guys then came up running to him. One had dark red hair, while the other one had white hair with a red streak. As soon as they came close to him, both of them wrapped their arms with Scaramouche to his. However, Scaramouche wasn't even all to bothered about this. The two guys then spoke up.

"Goodmorning Kuni!"

As Heizou and Kazuha both said that at the same time, they looked at each other with a death glare. Scaramouche sighed and said.

"What do you two want?"

Heizou then smiled excitedly

"We can't even approach you anymore..? Rude.. but that's not the point! We just wanted to give you good luck to your upcoming contest later."

As Heizou was about to say more, he was then cut off by Kazuha.

"Who knows? Maybe we'll both come and watch you win."

Both gave each other a death stare until the bell rang. Both then wander off and waved at Scaramouche goodbye. As he looked at both of them, a thought crosses to his mind.


Scaramouche then snaps out of it and shook his head.

"What the fuck am I thinking.."

He shook his head again desperately trying to get this thoughts out of his head as he walks to his class.

Bell rings . . .

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