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A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating .. I'm just enjoying my summer days cuz I don't have the energy entering school :D

Here you go ..

Kirstie's P.O.V.

Okay, that's it. Me and Jeremy are now officially BROKE UP because of that Gadd*mn picture .. It's not easy to move on especially when you really love someone these past 2 years ..

I'm still here in the park walking alone because Jeremy walked out of the scene instead of me. But I can still feel in my guts that SCOTT is following me. I know his ninja pathetic moves, it's so obvious. Srsly hiding in a bush but he's way bigger than that? Stpd .. But I was just ignoring him, because of what he did ..

"H-hey Kirst? Can I talk with y-you for a sec.?" I know when he is nervous AND when he is explaining . He's stammering

Scott's P.O.V.

I literally stammer everytime I reason out or telling the truth. Maybe it runs through our blood?

"Spill." Well, here goes her cold side .. maybe she's Elsa (Author: no uh, Mitch is Elsa) (Scott: just shut up author. Mitch is straight in this story, okay?!) (Author: K.)

"It wasn't me uploaded the picture you were referring to a while ago." I said abruptly. Who would calmly say it when the person in front of you is angry?! Do a summersalt and 2 back flips!!!

"Then who did it? You are the only person who know your own password in your account. Don't tell me Jessica knew it too?!*insert sarcasm tone*" She said while throwing her hands in the air. Making a description that she was impressed.

"Umm, maybe it could be possible. She asked me that she will borrow my phone but I forgot to log out my twitter account . Maybe she is the one who .. uploaded .. the ..pic." Great.. I'm the stupidest man all over USA ..

"Huwaaaw !!! Give this man a guiness award for the dumbest and stupidest man alive." Yelling at me .. ouch, my bestfriend is yelling at me?! The limit is too high you b*tch

"Hey. Doesn't mean I forgot to log out it, let her borrow my phone, upload the picture is all because of me. Didn't you think it's MY FAULT ?!! Did I do it?!! You know what, don't be so judgmental .." then I walk out, it really stab me in my chest. Making me hard to breathe..

As I walk alone, leaving Kirstie. I was just thinking that why Mitch didn't break up with Jessica being a b*tch these past 14 months? Does he hiding something from me?

"Hey Scott, where have you been?" Oh, because of my deep thoughts, I didn't notice that I passed by the unit of Mitch ..

"Just somewhere." I answered coldly, I didn't recover from the incident ..

Mitch's P.O.V.

I saw the whole scene of Scott and Kirstie yelling at each other .. I followed Scott cuz I'm also worried about Kirstie .. I heard that they broke up a while ago .. Maybe it's my time to make the king move from the chess board..

"Hey Scotty?"


*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* ( not a good soud effects -_-)

"Come in!!"

"Hey, are you Mitch and Scott?" The beard man ask with a nigerian on his left side ..

"Yes.. are you Avriel Walter and Kevin Swift?" Good thing Scott spoke up

"Yes we are. You called us for a practice?" Kevin said it with excitement in his tone

"Umm ye ---" then I call off guard Scott

"No, let's do it tomorrow. Can you help me guys of something romantic?" I said shyly. Scott's face is now undescribable ..

"Sure. Who's the lucky girl?" Avriel while sitting down in front of us .. He has one deep voice

"Kirstin Maldonado." I said proudly

"Would Jessica know about your monkey business?" Scott being rude

"It's not monkey business. It is just fair because Jessica make out with Jeremy. Isn't it cool when you make a move on someone you love?" Me while staring at Avriel. He is just looking at me, like he is interested at my comment

"Umm yea. It's cool, if that's your decision then we'll help you." Kevin talking while making a robotic voice, sweet

"Tomorrow night. I'll make a date that she'll never expect."

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