2.4K 81 23

The match was about the start so you went to your seat.
you saw the bllk group walk out and waved at them
„I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU IF YOU DONT WIN THIS MATCH!" you yelled at the blue lock team
the boys just laughed and nod to representing that they have no intentions of losing the match
„you really want them win don't you" you heard ego talking to you
„of course? i mean if they win i get a kiss from sae and come to blue lock" you answered your brother
„y/n what the hell?! you know what i won't question it" Ego sighs ,,but yknow if we win i could use a manager for the boys because i have big plans for them. And i dont wanna hire someone i dont know so do you wanna be their manager? they seem to like a lot and youre also playing football" he said
„Wait? you mean i should join blue lock as the manager?" you asked in confusion
„yeah why not. Dont you wanna be close to them?"
„Yesss of course but i want to get paid tho!"
„sure ig i will pay you 1k in a match if you do your job right"
„i'm going to be rich"
„now shut up and watch the match"
„yea yea vector"
he gave you offensive side eye and just sighed

The match started
(i'm sorry i'm not good at describing football matches so i will skip to the end (i'm not finished with the manga if i'm wrong with some things i'm sorry)

The blue lock team won at 4:3

You hugged the players in the Locker room
„we did it!" they all yelled „we won!"
„And guess who will your new manager" you said with a proud looking look
„YOU?" Eita asked
„yea i will train you, make your schedule etc"
„so that means i can ask you for a date anytime i want"
you laughed at eitas question
„she won't go out with a man whore like you" Bachira jumped into the conversation between u and eita
„i mean i can change him?"
„and i can change myself for her?" eita respond with a smirk
„but what about your school?" isagi asked
„i will get tutored by Anri and besides im smart"
„yea right"
„rinnie don't be mean to me?!"
„youre lukewarm"
„i will make out with your brother"
„what did you say?!"
„y/n?!!!" they yelled
you walked out from the locker laughing a bit on the way you meet
next chapter😙

im thinking of starting a new story where only one person is focused but im not sure 

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