chapter 2

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Eclipse woke up in the night to a sound of shattered glass ,,hmm? Hello is someone there" eclipse called out to be responded only with the pure silence. he decided he wanted to go to investigate. he went down to the kitchen and noticed a clod breeze. ,,Gosh why is this fucking window open. brr i'm cold" he says as he closed the window. he looks down and notices the broken pieces of glass he picks them up but the suddenly he accidentally cuts himself with them.

,,Ow SHIT! mother fucker" he wisper yelled as he was looking on the counter for something like a cloth to stop the bleeding.he looked up and noticed the window was back open again. he closed it again but right as he did a naked white humanoid creature jumped in front of the window scratching it as it tried to enter.

,,AAAHH!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF SATAN IS THAT!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU... WHAT EVER YOU ARE!"" Eclipse yelled as he fell back on his butt out of fear. He ran back to his room where he and Samuel were sleeping and hid under the covers wishing all this was a dream as things of the room started to move and lights turned on and off.

*in the morning*

Alexander walks downstairs to and starts to prepare some food and coffee/tea. A few moments later Samuel joins in. ,,good morning mate" Samuel says with a yawn ,,good morning dear friend,.. How have you slept''Alexander said quite a little unsure of his words as he was questioning Sam as he sipped a bit of his fresh coffee/tea. ,, honestly i had a dream i was strangling my ex in my sleep'' Samuel answered sleepy as Alexander started making pancakes. suddenly Eclipse comes down looking like he hasn't slept in ages. he growls as he walks to a chair and sits down. ,,wohoho! What happened to you buddy? Had a long night~" Alexander asked as he was looking at Eclipse. ,,Bitch i hate you for your pranks . I hate you! i hate you! i HATE YOU!" eclipse yelled at Alex ,,W-what? What are you talking about Eclipse? Did you have a nightmare? Well, haha. I do not know what weird dreams you have but get ready we are gonna go explore the place we talked about yesterday!" Alexander said putting on a smile back again.

Later in the evening they decided to go to a cafe and trough the forest a little to explore before going to the place where the treble twelve broad walk got filmed.

First they found the place where a part of the marble hornets got fillemed in the forest.they were all excited to explore. Suddenly as they went deeper with in the forest they noticed something. It started getting dark a little bit too quickly. After that Samuel seemed overwhelmed, he turned back to look at the boys who seemed to no longer be there.

"boys? guys where are you.... dont leave me alone here.. p-please"

samuel said stuttering

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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