Meeting The Ex.

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*a few days later Steve takes you and Bucky to the airport to pick Isabella up*

You: "Hey sweetie!"

Isabella: "mommy!"

*She runs and hugs you*

You: "Go with uncle Bucky and put your bags in the car, okay?"

*She smiles and goes with him*

Josh: "I'm signing my rights away Barnes, Tessa doesn't want kids."

You: "picking a girl over your daughter...I never should have let you take her in the first place."

Josh: "I'm her father y/n, I had every right to take her with me."

You: "As of today your nothing to her."

Tessa: "Josh I wanna go home."

You: "We're dealing with something, get back in the car."

Josh: "don't talk to her like that!"

*He grabs your arm*

You: "let go of me!"

Steve: "that's enough!"

Josh: "stay out of this!"

Steve: "I said that's enough!"

*He grabs Josh's arm and he lets go of you*

Steve: "touch he again and I'll rip your arm off."

*Steve pushes him away from you*

Josh: "he your new fling? Take it from me pal, she's not worth the stress."

Steve: "From what I saw it seems like your the problem. From here on out you talk to me about anything that involves y/n or Isabella, that understood?"

Josh: "After today I won't have a reason to, you want them? Take em."

*Tessa laughs*

Steve: "at least they'll have a real man to show them respect."

*He walks away leading you to the car*

Tessa: "Ever gonna stand up for yourself y/n?"

You: "Tell your husband I said hi Tessa, I'm sure he's happy with the news of you and Josh."

*You smile and get in the car tossing a burn phone at Josh on the way out with a text to Tessa's husband an she reads it*

The text: "Hey Brian, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but Tessa is having an affair with Josh. They are currently at the NYc airport dropping Isabellaboff to me, I just thought you'd like to find out before you come home from your work trip. ~Y/n."

*Back at the tower*

Isabella: "Mommy it's iron man!"

You: "I know!"

*She blushes hiding in your leg*

Tony: "Hi Isabella. *She waves and Tony smiles* me and Wanda made cookies, do you wanna come get some?"

*She looks at you smiling*

You: "go ahead, but make sure you say thank you."

*Tony picks her up and walks away*

Bucky: "I'm gonna go put her bags away."

*He walks away and you sigh*

Steve: "you okay?"

You: "I will be. I keep thinking I shouldn't have sent that text or even let Isabella go with him."

Steve: "you did the right thing, if my wife was having an affair I'd wanna know. As for Isabella, she'll always have us. She doesn't need him."

You: "thank you Steve, for everything."

*You smile and walk away twords the kitchen when you see Fury walking in*

Fury: "Shes beautiful Miss Barnes."

You: "please just call me y/n and thank you."

Fury: "are you settling in well?"

You: "I am, thank you. If you don't mind me asking have you or Bruce found anything else?"

Fury: "unfortunately not, what we know is what you know. But we're still looking into it."

You: "will they go after Isabella if they can't get me?"

Fury: "No one is going to get either of you. You have my word."

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