『 7. already whipped 』

93 9 44

Hey, guys! thank you so much for being so patient for updates~~ 💜
i have ADHD so it's a lot more tough for me than most people

please remember to vote and comment~ ⭐️💬

Word Count: 4,113

ˏˋ POV'ˎ

"Come on, love, it's time for bed."

The faint sound of men's voices through the front door sent my mama catapulting into a chain reaction of moves that my three-year-old self didn't find suspicious. Perhaps it was the colorfully dressed doll in my little hands that had absorbed the majority of my attention or maybe because this behavior had become rather normal for mama.

"I'm not tired," I countered, missing two front teeth impairing my R's.

"Yes, you are," Mama responded in a light manner, her slanted charcoal eyes flicking around our surroundings contradicting the carefree undertone of her honey-like voice.

"Oh, okay," I answered, immediately feigning snoring, earning a genuine little chuckle to emit from Mama as we entered the spare bedroom.

The echo of slamming doors from down the hallway sent Mama into a quicker pace as she carried me into the walk-in closet, avoiding flipping the light switch on. I recognized the little hidden door as soon as she pushed back her hanging dresses, and I felt tears begin to trickle from the inner corners of my eyes.

"No, I don't like it in there, mama," I had informed her, tiny fists clutching her sleeves so tightly that my knuckles began to pale.

Mama smiled warmly and kissed my face gingerly. "It will only be for a few moments, my love, I promise," she murmured sincerely, yet quickly. "I will be right back for you and we will read a bedtime story before we sleep, okay?"

Pausing, I wiped my tears and nodded. "Okay."

Mama moved at the pace of lightning as she unlocked the padlock that was looped through the little handle's hatch and swung the door wide open. Flicking on the blue LED light inside the miniature room, she assisted me as I crawled inside and wasted no time in cuddling up to the purple stuffed bear that awaited me each time Mama brought me here.

"Remember, my Soleil, no noises," Mama began, holding a finger up to her sealed lips.

"And no worries," I completed our familiar exchange of words in these moments.

Mama smiled at me before giving me a loving kiss with an embrace before she shut the door, and I heard the rustling of the padlock being secured back through the hatch. The swipe of hangers over a clothing rod came next, then retreating footsteps, and the gentle clicking of a door shutting.

Gazing up at the deep blue lights, I felt myself relax slightly, squeezing the stuffed bear closer to me. My anxiety began to melt away like ice cubes in a summer beverage as the soft exterior of the purple bear soothed the surface of my skin. Gazing down at its big oil-spot eyes, brown threaded nose, and stitched smile, I returned the same facial expression.

"What should I name you?" I whispered.

Surprisingly, the bear did not respond.

"That's okay. I'm shy too," I informed the bear. "We'll come up with a name when Mama comes back."

Eyes shooting open, my body gave a slight jolt in reaction to the sudden transition from my dreams to reality. A thin layer of sweat coated my body though I slept in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and underwear, my heart relaxing its pace as my subconscious recognized the familiar hotel room I resided in.

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