If Only...

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Notes: Hello everyone! I was watching the first game between Seirin and Touou when I got this idea. I wondered what would've happened if Misdirection Overflow didn't work or something and they lost the game, so I wrote this! I hope you enjoy it! :) This is a ONESHOT, so I apologize if you were looking for more content.

Saying Kuroko had a bad day would be an understatement.

He had been practicing relentlessly for weeks until their game against Touou, trying to perfect his Vanishing Drive and his Ignite Pass Kai. However, all of his efforts were for nothing, as Aomine had seen right through every one. Even his final trump card, misdirection overflow, failed. He felt so... small in the face of Aomine's overwhelming talent. Heck, even during the battle when Kagami and Aomine were in the Zone, Kuroko still couldn't do anything

Kuroko's brain was muddled as he walked home, his achey muscles making him feel like he was moving through jello.

He walked up the driveway to his door, and Kuroko attempted to shake the fog from his head. After all, he still had chores to do once he went inside.(👹I don't care if you had a bad day, do the dishes Kuroko 👹)

His parents were out though, so he had the house to himself.

"Thank god," he thought, "I hate it when people see me cry."

He crouched to grab the key from underneath the doormat and slowly got back up, much to the disdain of his tired knees.

After many attempts, he finally slotted the key into the keyhole (just like me fr), jiggling the door open-

A hand rested on his shoulder.

"Hey, you good?" Kagami asked.

Kuroko froze, "How did I not notice Kagami?"

"Sorry if I startled you, bro. You looked like you were thinking and I didn't wanna disturb you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

Kuroko turned around, trying to keep his voice even, "It's ok. Why're you following me?"

"My house is undergoing some renovations and you said I could crash at your place for a bit, remember?"

He looked down at the shorter boy, confusion and concern showing clearly in his vivid red eyes. Kuroko looked back at the door, breaking eye contact with Kagami.

"Right, sorry. You can come in."

He stepped into the dark house and flicked the light switch on, Kagami right behind him.

"Where are your parents?" He questions. (They're DEAD.)

Kuroko knew he wouldn't be able to say much before he broke down, he really didn't want Kagami there right now.

The redhead looked around the home. A kitchen and dining room were on the right, with a hallway leading to two closed doors on the left. He walked into the living room, which was furnished with white chairs and a fluffy carpet, and had stairs leading to the second floor.

Kuroko signaled to Kagami and led him down the hallway on the left, stopping at the doors at the end.

Kuroko opened the door on the right, "This is your room for now, there's an attached bathroom so you can take a shower here."

"Thanks dude," and with that, Kagami left Kuroko to freshen up.

20 minutes later, Kuroko stepped out of his room, and upon smelling the familiar scent of the spices from the instant ramen, he followed his stomach to the kitchen, where he found Kagami and two bowls of steaming hot ramen.

The next few minutes consisted of awkward silence, Kagami's feeble attempt at light conversation being not-so-subtly shut down by Kuroko.They finished dinner, and Kagami was quick to return to his room, leaving the chore of washing their bowls to Kuroko.

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