「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘴𝘪𝘹

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❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


tokyo, japan

minho whines, pulling his pillow from underneath his head, covering his ears with it to drown out the incessant, infuriating, loud knocks at the front door.

today was finally his day off after two weeks of non-stop working and he wanted to sleep in just a little longer, sue him.

as he tries to go back to sleep, the aggravating knocking continues, even louder and more impatient.
he finally decides he's had enough, and begrudgingly pulls himself out of bed and towards the front door before the knocking wakes his grandmother, surprised that she hasn't already.

before the vexatious person at the door has a chance to start knocking again, minho opens the door.

he stands in the doorway, rubbing any remaining sleep from his eyes, still feeling dazed.

before he can open his mouth to complain, the male in front of him speaks up.

lee minho,
the male at the door says.
you and i need to have a conversation.
he demanded.

minho freeezes for a moment.
no one has referred to him by his government name in years, and the only people who know his real name are his grandmother, aeri, and ms. sasaki, so hearing it come from a male only further confuses him.

he looks at the male in front of him, blinking in confusion.
who are you, and how do you know my name?
minho asked the intimidating looking male, eyeing him up suspiciously.

chris stares blankly at the confused, and slightly scared in front of him, a spine-chlling smile creeping on his face.
i have my ways.
and as for who i am, that won't matter to you very
he states.

something of mine has gone missing.
something very important to me, and i heard you managed to get your small hands on it.
so, you and i need to have a discussion.
chris explains, not taking his eyes off minho who he could tell was getting more and more nervous by the second.

um, okay.
come in i guess.
minho says, still somewhat confused, opening the door wide enough for the male to enter.

you can have a seat while i get ready.
minho says, proceeding to retreat to his bedroom.

he searches through his closet for a simple outfit, settling for a pair of white cargo pants, and soft pink sweater to go with his black platforms.

he then waltzes towards the bathroom to take a brisk shower.

when finished with his shower and his clothes adorned on his body, he pulls out his phone and sends aeri a quick text, making sure he gets a reply before pocketing his phone and entering the living room.

he and chris briefly make eye-contact before he looks away, his eyes landing on a framed photo hanging on the wall.

he walks into the kitchen and begins digging through the drawers until he pulls a pen and pad of sticky notes, quickly scribbling something down onto the top one, peeling it off and sticking it onto the refrigerator.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now