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The next morning after breakfast, Courtney had to leave to finish a project with Noah and get to her Sunday family dinner.

Gwen sat in the living room, taking the remote from her brother who only huffed and stormed out, apparently not in the mood to argue.

She got bored of the tv and took her phone out of her pajama pants pocket. She scrolled through twitter before getting an instagram notification.

She opened it and seen that it was since Courtney tagged her in the photo from last night. It was Cody commenting on how the nail color suited her. Along with a bunch of random polite comments that Gwen couldn't really care any less about.

She then got a text from Bridgette.

Bridgette: "Wow, Courtney gets a friendship bracelet before me? Find your own rides to the mall"

Gwen: "Sorry Bridge, that's just the way it went down"

Bridgette: "No remorse either. Shame."

Gwen: "I seriously need something to do today!"

Bridgette: "You're lucky Geoff and I are already in the area. We'll be there in like 5 min"

Gwen went back up to her room to get dressed for the day.

She was pulling on her knee high boots when Geoff started honking outside her window.

"Come on, Gwen! I need to get some food in me before I pass out!"

She took her makeup with her and went to meet them outside.

"Cool your jets, big guy. You'll eat."

She hopped into Geoff's orange jeep. They started off and Gwen used the camera on her phone to apply her mascara and lipstick. Bridgette was turned around in the passenger seat telling Gwen all about some school drama that she learned about from Lindsay and Leshawna.

"Wait, whose Scott again?"

"The weird one that's always carving wood?"

"You mean Duncan?"

"Scott's weirder some how!"

The girls giggled as Geoff pulled into a fast food drive through.

"I don't even care how greasy this is or how much Brody is gonna bash me for it! I need a burger!" Bridgette patted his shoulder. "I told you not to try that all liquid diet babe. It's not even for building muscle."

"You want anything Gwen?"

"Nah I had breakfast with Courtney not too long ago"

Bridgette raised an eyebrow at Gwen. "Yknow you two have been hanging out a lot more recently. Is there a reason for that?" She just shrugged and took a sudden interest in the seem of Geoff's leather seats.

Geoff pulled over after getting his food insisting this would be the first and only time he would eat in his car. He got both the girls drinks even though they insisted they weren't thirsty.

Bridgette put her legs criss cross on her seat as she now fully faced Gwen.

"You know I know, right?"

Gwen just pulled at the bottom of her skirt like she didn't know what she was talking about.

"What? That she's totally into Courtney?"

Bridgette pushed his shoulder over. "Geoff!" Gwen gasped, "Bridgette!"

"What?! She knows she likes her! Why can't I say that to her?"

"You told him that?!" Gwen pulled her legs up to her chest. "Oh" was all Geoff said as he realized why that might have been a sensitive thing to tell someone else.

"Yknow I'm cool with that, right? And I'd never tell anyone anything else like that about you. You're like one of the coolest people I know, I would never break your trust like that."

Gwen let out a soft sigh from her nose. "Yeah, thanks." She let her legs fall back onto the floor below her. "And she's flirting with Duncan again anyway. So it's not like I've got a chance." Just then her phone buzzed.

Duncan: "Is Courtney still with you?"

Gwen: "No. You miss your Princess already?"

Duncan: "ha ha ha. You're so funny"

Gwen: "Thanks :)"

She then decided to give Courtney a text.

Gwen: "Hey, you still with Noah?"

She didn't respond, so she turned her attention back to the couple in front of her.

"We're meeting up with Izzy, Lindsay, and Cody at the roller rink."

"Since when do we go to roller rinks?"

"Since Izzy said 'Hey, have we ever hung out at the roller rink before?' And we were like 'no' ."

Gwen liked sitting in the back of Geoff's car, the wind was actually pretty nice as long as there wasn't a bug in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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