Chapter 1: Encounter

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"Why do I have to wake up so early?"

You thought to yourself while walking down the street to your new school, the sun was still rising and the sidewalk still has some puddles from the rain last night.

You were still getting used to Hurricane, Utah since you just moved here a few days ago with your family. You didn't understand why you had to leave your hometown, you had a heart life there, tons of things to do, nice places to visit, and a lot of friends. But your parents wanted to take that all away from you and moved here to this crappy place, Utah.

This place didn't have a lot of things, cause most of the stores were shut down and they didn't have an eye for entertainment around here.

You walk about another few minutes till you got to your new school, which was surprisingly bigger than your old school.

It didn't look out boring and plain, unlike the other builds. It had a nice very shade of paint on it and it look like they took pretty good care of it too.

After a minute, you decide to go inside and wonder what this school had for your stock. You walked up to the entrance and open the door.

As soon as you enter, you could see a lot of kids in the hallway, talking amongst themselves with friends, and running in the hallway, and some of them were just doing crazy stuff.

You could tell that you were not ready for what was going to happen next.

While all that was going on, suddenly the bell rang and all of the kids start rushing off to their classes. You didn't have time to react cause, before you knew it you were being, pushed and shoved around with the larger crowd.

You try to escape the large group of kids but they continued to push and shoved you. After a minute the crowd of kids begin to die down and it was much easier to know where you were going.

Thankfully, you found the office, and the lady at the front desk gave you a schedule of your classes and you begin to start your Journey to find your first class. Luckily it wasn't that hard of finding your first class, you had math first. "Great." You mumbled, not pleased at the fact you had math first

You had math with, Mr. Smith in room 207.

You made your way to the class and could hear a lecture going on inside.

You took a deep breath before opening the door.

As soon as you enter the classroom, all stares were now on you.

"Oh, Class here is on new student!" The teacher said, appear to be Mr.Smith.


"Y/N," you said

"Welcome, Y/N! It's nice to have new students come here!" He said smiling.

You could hear the kids whispering and snickering.

The teacher got their attention and told them to go back to a problem on the board.

"Ok, Y/N, you can sit over there at that desk." He pointed at a desk next to someone.

You nodded and went to your seat. The teacher went back to the board and explained some math problems. Not even a minute into the lesson you heard a voice that sounded like a girl- "A new student, it's strange how anyone would want to stay in this crappy place."

You turn around and saw a girl, who had black hair, that was in ponytails, brown eyes, and was wearing ripped jeans, a yellow shirt, and a jacket. She was smiling but not just a friendly smile, a smile that look like she can cause trouble.

You turn back around ignore her and try to focus but you still felt that she was looking at you.

After a while, the bell rang and all the students got up and quickly ran out of the classroom.

As you went to leave, the teacher asked you if you needed any help trying to get to your next class.

"Y/N, would you like any help trying to get to your next class?" he asked.

You looked at the paper and saw all the different floors that each of your classes was on.

"Yes, that will be nice." You said.

"Ok, I have just the person who would help you-Cassidy, would you mind helping Y/N find their next class, please?"

The person who was about to leave the classroom stopped in their tracks and wheeled around.

"What?! Why me?!" She said, apparently it was the girl who was sitting behind you in class and she had a bit of an attitude in her voice.

"Cassidy, Can you show Y/N to their next class, since they're new." Mr. Smith asked.

"Why do I have to do it? Someone else can show them around!"

"Just, take them to their next class, please, before I send you to the office." He said in a Stern tone.

"Fineeeee." She whined and walked out of the classroom leaving you behind.

You quickly followed.

You catch up with Cassidy, who has seen to not care that she left you behind.

"What class do you have next?" She said, sounding irritated.

You checked the paper scanning it and trying to see what class you have next but Cassidy snatch it out of your hand.

"God, you read too slow." She said and check it here self. "You have, English next, Great your in my next class too." She said, not amused, handing you the paperback.

You were about to say something about her behavior but you both were already at the next class.

You both enter the class and again everyone was staring at the both of you.

"Cassidy your late-"

"I know I'm late, It's because of this new kid!"

She said pushing you a bit.

This little- You thought to yourself.

"Well,  Welcome to class....?"

"Y/N."You said.

"Welcome, Y/N, you can sit over there." Said the teacher pointing to a seat.

You nod and went to your seat.

You could tell that this day will probably be a pain.

Finally, I finish chapter one. I know it's not that good but I will get better.


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