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Diary day 1:

Hello, so I don't really know how to begin a diary but I guess, I'll begin with who I am and why I decided to keep a diary. So, my name is Lumine and I'm 19 years old. I'm in my first year of university, in a new school. I live with my brother Aether who doesn't go at the same school as me.He's more interested in science while I prefer litterature. We have grown up together as we are orphans and he's kinda overprotective with me. That's cute but it begins to annoy me when I want to go out with my friends... But anw, tomorrow is my first day at my new school, I'm so nervous that I have difficulties to find sleep and that's why I decided that by now, I'll keep a diary to write all my thoughts and new experiments at school. For now, I'll try to sleep. I'm curious to see of what tomorrow will be made...

Diary day 2:

Dear diary, today is my first day of school!! I'm so excited! I was so excited that I woke up 10min before my alarm and I couldn't help but verify again if all my things where packed up. Everything has to be perfect for this first day! I took a breakfast quickly and then I took at least 45min in the bathroom to get ready which didn't please my brother but I didn't care, all had to be perfect. I write this on the bus that will drop me to my new school and new beginning! I'm so excited!! I'm almost there so I'll stop here for now, can't wait to see how it happens today!

Later this day:

Omgg! This school is so big! I love the aesthetic of here! I also met some sympathic ppl, hope I can get to know them better so we could be friends! I also met a boy in my class, he's kinda weird.. Like I was just sitting on my seat and he came to me. Tall, ginger short hair, blue eyes and, I have to admit it, a beautiful body.

Him:Hey girlie~

Me:U're talking to me?

Him:Yes I am! No other girls' beauty can surpass the one of my girlie~

Me:Girlie? Since when am I 'ur girlie'?

Him:Since I decided so~! Is there a problem~?

Me:We barely met..I don't even know ur name! Or maybe I should just call u 'my boy'~?

He seemed surprised and a little embarassed by my answer but he fastly smiled playfully.

Him:So u wanna play hmm? Well then girlie,my name is Childe. U better remember it, it'd be embarassing to forget the name of ur future boyfriend~! Goodbye girlie!

He gave me a wink and then he turned back, waving at me. I was left blushing and confused. Did he just said 'future boyfriend'?? What the hell was going on? I forgot about it for the rest of day but now that I think of it, it kinda looks like an attempt of flirt... 


This is all for this chapter ! He's a little short but I promise to do the next chapter soon^^ I just got a lot of things to do for school so I'd say in a week or something like that! :D 
Anw,I hope u all enjoyed it !!   

@mizuki_twin here's the first part~!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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