At Finn's

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You wake up to an empty bed next to you. Hm, maybe she's already in the kitchen making breakfast, not that it would be anything new. You think.

But as you walk into the kitchen it's also empty. You search the whole apartment for your girlfriend but she's nowhere to be seen.

Strange, she usually doesn't leave without letting me know. Even if I'm asleep.

You decide to call her but she doesn't respond. You try Dominik's number but again, just the mailbox.

Ugh I hate you guys. You make your way back into the kitchen and prepare a bowl of cereal to eat on the couch.

After you're done, you decide to try Damian's number.
"Hi, this is y/n who am I speaking to?"
"Oh sorry, here's Finn, Damian's not there right now"
"Why d'you have his phone?"
"Funny story, but after we dropped you two off yesterday we decided to stay at my place"
"Hmm okay, is Dom nearby?"
"Nope, also out"
You sigh, "can you come pick me up then? I don't know where everyone is and it kinda makes me a little uncomfortable"
"Sure, give me fifteen minutes" Finn responds and hangs up.

Great, the only one to pick up was Finn. It's better than no one but you two never talked really much so you barely knew him.

You take a quick shower and are about to do your hair when the doorbell rings. You quickly finish your look and open the door for Finn.

"Hey, glad you're here" you say with a relieved smile. "Sure, no problem. Do you want to stay here or come to my place? We could play some video games there to pass time" he shrugs.

"Ye let's do that" you say, put on some shoes and follow him to the car. You get in on the passengers side and it's actually just a ten minute drive.

You arrive at his flat, it's bigger than Rhea's, with a beautiful front garden. You follow him to the door which he holds open for you to step in.

"Get comfy" Finn says and points to, what you suppose is, the living room. "Do you want anything to drink?" "No thanks, I'm good" you reply and shyly smile at him.

"Ok then" he shrugs and leads you over to the couch with a huge flat screen and a playstation in front. "Have you ever played WWE 2k23?" he asks.

"Nope, never heard of it" you shake your head and sit down. "Alright, then you're gonna learn it now" he says and hands you a controller.

You play for a while until you decide to ask him again about Rhea and the others. "Do you really not know where they went? Rhea told me yesterday she would have a surprise for me in the evening"

Finn chuckles "Actually I do know but I'm not allowed to tell you" you huff "How mean" and act like you're offended.

He just laughs and you punch his arm "Hey" he laughs even more. "Ugh you're such an idiot, you know that?" "I'm the only one who can keep promises that why I needed to stay here with you" he shrugs.

"oh boy, okay.. Can I use the restroom real quick? " you randomly throw in. You needed some alone time now. "sure, down the hallway, second door on the right. But you aren't mad at me now, are you?" Finn asks a little concerned.

"no, no its fine I just.. Nevermind" you quickly respond and walk away. You lock the bathroom door behind you and sink to the ground with your back against the door.

You call Rhea again and to your surprise she actually answers this time.

"hey sweetie, what's up? Sorry for just leaving you without saying goodbye"

You can tell by her voice that she really is sorry.

"hey, I don't know, can't quite interpret my feelings right now"
"oh honey I'm so sorry, I really should have told you. How is it with Finn? Everything alright?"
"ye it's okay.. I miss you.."
"i miss you too but I promise my surprise is worth the wait"

Although you can't see her you're sure she smirked while saying that.

"when will you come back?"
"at around seven, but I gotta hang up now, still some things left to do"
"okay, love you, bye"
"byee, love you more"

You lean your head back against the door and smile at her words.

"you okay in there?" you hear Finn knock and ask. "ye I'm fine, be right back" you reply and get up to actually use the toilet before returning.

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