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"So, who's up for a game of tag?" Mike questioned holding up and orb from the bag.

"Tag?!" Nora and Ruby grinned happily, that was one of their favorite games to play to pass the time.

Pyrrha and Ren shivered, remembering how competitive Nora was in that game.

"So what does tag have to do with this world?" Weiss asked, while she never got a chance to play the game due to her upbringing, that doesn't mean she's never heard of it.

"Well in this world, Jaune and his friends have been playing the same game of tag for 30 years." Michael explained chuckling at the shocked expressions.

"30 YEARS?!" The students all exclaimed, while Oz and Glynda just kept their shocked expressions. "That is some dedication." Oz commented.

"Yep, every year on May the game resumes wherever they left off from their childhood. Though this time around all the friends have decided to work together in hopes of dethroning Ren as tag champion, by finally being able to tag him." Mike explained.

"RENNY!! You're a tag legend!" Nora exclaimed proudly pulling her partner into a bone crushing hug.

"Nora....bones....are....breaking." Ren said, just as Nora put him down.

"Well let's get this party started." Mike grinned throwing the orb in the screen.

The scene opens up with a car driving through the streets of Mistral. In the car is: Jaune, Sun, Neptune, Fox, Blake and finally Yang. Yang is in the middle of calling Ren and Nora to set up a trap.

"Look Fox is here!" Velvet called out, happy to see her friend.

"Wait, is that a wedding ring on Yang's finger." Coco pointed out, causing everyone else to look.

"That's correct. Her and Jaune tied the knot in this universe." Mike said.

"We're married...." Yang muttered, a big blush on her face with a small smile. The three girls all glared at her, to which she responded by sticking out her tongue at them or in Ruby's case giving her little sister a noogie.

"Well it seems congratulations are in order, Miss Xiao Long." Ozpin said with a smirk.

"Hello Miss Valkyrie." Yang spoke into the phone, making sure to change her voice, "This is Margaret from the Mistral Country Club. I am calling to let you know that we won't be able to refund your deposit since you cancelled the rehearsal on such short notice." Yang stated a small grin forming on her lips.

"WHAT?!" Ren and Nora shout in shock, "I-I think you have a mistake here, we didn't cancel the reception." Ren insisted.

"Hold up! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!" Nora exclaimed blushing up a storm. Ren was a also blushing a lot at finding out he was marrying his crush, remembering the wrestling world.

"My congratulations to you two as well." Ozpin said to his two students who blushed even more.

"Ooooh so are we invited?" Yang teased the two, "Oh....um of course!" Nora blurted out. She would make sure to invite her friends to her wedding day, no matter who she's marrying (Though she would prefer if it's Ren).

The boys and Yang were laughing quietly, happy that their plan was working, "I'm afraid we booked something else in the time slot." Yang explained

"A quinceanera." Fox suggested, to which Yang tells them the exact thing.

"The fucks a quinceanera?" Ren cursed annoyed with what was going on.

Everyone who new Ren turned to look at the boy in shock at hearing him swear. Even if it was a different universe, it still felt strange. Ren looked away, blushing in embarrassment.

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