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Author's Note
          This is a short story(I think) so there will be no continuation... And please ignore any grammatical errors in sentences...

Got inspiration from the horror movie, the BLACK PHONE about using black coloured paper box etc, if there's anything more I've used the colour black

One day, A man named Roy gat a strange letter with no name of the sender. As soon as he read the letter there was a knock on his door. When he opened the door he saw no one there, he was about to close the door but as he was almost about to close the door he looked down and saw only a box wrapped in black wrapping paper and tied with golden colour ribbon with three black stripes on it.

He picked it up and brought the box inside the house. His mind was filled with confusion as it said that it was a gift for Mary, his wife but in the letter he got said that Roy should open the gift. He said to himself

" On the box it says that it should be opened by Mary then it will be opened by Mary regardless if that letter said otherwise."

After that he call for Mary, and when Mary in the living room he said to her

" Honey, this gift is for you"

He didn't tell her about the letter as he didn't want her to be confused too

" Oh my, a gift for me?! Did u buy this gift and if u did then why did you wrap it in black paper and also that it better not be an expensive one as you do know that we are trying to save money right." Mary said glaring at him while saying the lat part

Roy looked away for a second trying to hide the fact that he was afraid of his wife and then responded

"No you got it all wrong. It's not from me. It was outside the door, when there was a knock on the door and some mysterious person which I didn't see (he really didn't see that person so don't make any assumptions) left it there writing on a card saying, it was for u. And as far as the expensive part (he rolled his eyes and now he is whispering) I have been married to u for 26 years and I still can't understand what women like u mean by don't buy any expensive gifts but when you give them a cheap one they look disappointed and say this is looks cheap and when I do buy an expensive gift you get angry and yell at me" Ray answered her question which is not whispered.

Mary gave him a death stare saying " What did you just say" as if telling him that she heard it and that he better shut up while taking the gift from Roy

Mary the opened the gift just to be dumbfounded after looking inside she saw that there was a black coloured letter with a golden line which enabled Mary to notice the letter inside the box as the interior of the box was also black


I know I said that there won't be any parts but this is getting very long as I'm going in detail so I'm stopping right now and will try to upload soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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