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STUDENTS SIT at outdoor tables eating lunch.  Crowded at one table
is the "gang".  This consists of Sidney, Billy and Tatum.

Next to Tatum, sits her boyfriend STUART, with his arm draped
across her back.

  He's a Billy wannabe.  Almost the jock, almost
handsome, almost cool.  He tries way to hard.

Across the table is the fifth wheel, RANDY.  A tall and gangly kid
with no such Billy-like aspirations.  A witty jokester who
elevates geek to coolness.

Comes walking is KATRINA

Sidney then notices Kat walking and Sidney then ran up to her hugged her and then led Kat toward them

"GUYS this is Kat who I was talking about Kat this is Randy which you already know"

"Hey, how was the movie?"

"Good actually"

"Oh God."

Anyways Sidney cuts off Randy before he can speak and says

"This is stu"

"Hey gorgeous!" Stu said sticking out his tounge

Tatum smacks stus arm... Twice


"Then this is billy my boyfriend "
Billy looks up and stares into your eyes


Billy looked scary and it creeped you out how he was just staring into your soul like he wants to know everything about you

Sindey then leads Kat to sit down Kat sat down next to Sidney and layed her head down on sids lap and legs across Tatum

billy took notice to that and saw how intreaged sindey was to your hair your eyes were just closed listening to whatever they were talking about..

"Hunt? Why would they ask if you like to hunt?"

  " I don't know, they just did."

        "Because their bodies were gutted."

Sidney took no reaction and was very much liking your touch it calms her down and so did Tatum she then touched your thigh and drew circles

You opened your eyes and she was already staring at you and she smiled you then let your head fall back down on Sidneys lap

billy took notice to that and gritted his teeth but no one took note only stu and he chuckled a little

    " Thanks Randy."

     "  They didn't ask me if I like to hunt."

"did they ask you Kat?"

Kat set her head up to see

"Nope they just said because I was the new student I could just leave"

Kat then groaned by setting your head back down

Everyone looked over to you and no one said anything until stu said something very stupid as always

       "Because there's no way a girl could have
        killed them."

     "   That is so sexist. The killer could
        easily be female-BASIC INSTINCT."

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