A Midnight Kissn part 1

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It's New years eve. Dakot had managed to bribe Tide into letting them have a party and watch th countdown together, as long as they didn't bring any alcohol. That rule was of course ignored, as D kota had managd to get Alan to bring beer... fun. It was 8pm and guests were starting to pile in. Tide was over at Mark's for the night (they;ve been boyfrisnf ofr the past 2 years, but weren't ready to take the next step.() so they had the house completely for themselves. Cantrip nd Summer walked im, holding hands and giggling. Vyncent stood awkwardly at the doorway, greeting their friends as they arrived. He glanced across the room to see WIlliam chatting it up with Alan.... his blood boiled.. Ugh.....I wish that were mne he as giggling with... Vyncent though to himself. William made eye contyact with Vybncent, his piercin g blue orbs making contact with vyncents catlike yellow eyes. The purple haired boys eyes widened in shok, immediately looking away from the raven haired beau. He decided to busy himself so hewent to the kitchen to grab a beer. It was now 10pm and they were all pretty drunk. Bycent was on his fifth beer and he was starting to get a little crazy. He was all over cantrip and he could see summer looking at him weirdly from the corne riof his eye. "*hick* WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPINH THE BOTTLEEEE!!1!11! *hic*" (A/N: LOL!! Hes so doprky) vyncent screamed. he rasied his beer bottle in the air as people around him whooped nd holleriing YEAAA!!!. THey all sat in a ircle in the Tide house living room. wi9llam was glaring daggers at vybncent from across the cirlce, and maede a move to purposefully fliort with alkan. Sum mer went first, she sdpan the bottle and it lned on xavier, she moved across the circle to give him a peck on the lips. Cantrip stood up and pulled her off "okay thats enough:" she sadi and sat back down./ xavier winked at her from across the circle (A/N: ooh lala!!) and Dakota yelled "oK MY TURN" and he sat up and span the bottle and it landed on ashe and they made eye congtact and ashes hazel orbs widening in shock as he felt dakotas lips press against his. they kissed forwhat felt like hours and ashe felt blush creep up onb his porcelain skin. They pulled apar5t and asherubbed the back of his neck "umm.. heh. that was.... AWSOME." and Dakota kissed him on the lkips once more before taking a seat beside him and and leaning his head against his sholder. From across the neighbouyrhood  tide and mark felt shivers run down their spines.. (A/N: theyre so protective of their cinnanom rolls ;-;) It evenmtually became vybncents turn. he span the bottle and it landed on...... CANTRIP!!??!?!> a devilish grin came acros vyncent face as he kissed cantrip on the mouth,, mnaking eye contact with william the entire time... WHAT THE F***??! wiliam thoughyt to himself.. Is he...into me?? No... that couldnt be possible,..vyncent was straight? unless.... no.... what the... maybe i dop have a chance after all...  william slightly giggld to himself  and held back a flinmch when dakota yelled "YOUR TURN!!!!!121" in his ear. he sighed "ugh....okay..." he wiped at hiseyeliner coated eyes, and his tongue dartedout to lick his black lips. he spamn the bottle and it lanmded on.... Alan,.. ohhh yess... this is the perfect chance.. He thought as he sat on alkans lap and made a show of kissi8ng him with so muych passion. so much pent up love for....for... for VYBNCENT!!!He pulled baclk and made eye cointact with vyncent aand winked at him, before leaving the circle and goignt to te kitchen. as soon as william was out the door Vyncent stood up "UM i have to pee guys" and he stumbled off.,  it was just the two of them...alone...in the kitchen,... william stood at the counter, taking a swikg of his beer as vynce t walked into the kitchen. he took a moment to appreciate william in his entierty. his back skinny ripped jeans, his my chemical romance shirt... his fishnet turtleneck and his baclk choker.. hisstudded leather platform dedmonias that made him  tower over everyon.... but not vynent. the way his porcelain skin coinstreated so perfectly with his smudged eyeliner....(A/N: this isliterally what i wear irl. any other william kinnies>??) vyncent wanted nothign more tan to kiss hjiom. William cleared his throught and it borught the piurple haired boy out of his daze. "um.. hey." vyncent sai as he rubbed the back of his neck awkweardly "soo... heh..i take it that wink was directed at me..?" william said nothing. instead he walked forward towardsvycne t.., His high heeled boots kicling as he took single steos forward. they were so close now... William could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned in and whispered. "vyncent,.. i love you". the ditsnace between them closed as their lips made cintact for the first time. it was pefect.. their lkips m,eshed together like they were two puzzle pieces that were mena tt go together. they were perfect, vyncent could taste the cherry chapstick on williams lips as his tongue darted uinto willoiams nouth. their mouths were in love wioth eachother and it was like they were meant to  etogether. like they were meant to kiss in every lifetime that came before and after this one. Fireworksshooted as they heard the crowd in the livingroom chant for the ball drop. it was new years. and it all started.... with a midnight kiss.

This was my first tim wrtiting fanfic, hope you guys enjoyed!!!!! plese gikve comments.. your love means so much to me. please sednt this to the jrwi boys.

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