Red wine in the stars. P.1 [a story with all of mah friends :) ]

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This story is actually inspired by a similar dream I had xD
So the plot is made by my brain all the rights to it HAHAHAHA
I just changed some Character and put the ones I wanted like
Yas somehow I'll try to give ya some roles in the story
None of the actions or the habits of the characters are like real or perfectly a way of how people would act irl
They are headcanons or just made like this for the story.
-the story is also made in a way where among us is not really a game but like more connected to the real life, so it is like we are real astronauts xD-
Idk how much this will take since english is not my home language and I can't play with words that much as in italian
I'll also use Google to help me because
The draws are made by mah love VarvaraSaimi we made a collab :)
If ya see errors tell me because I will correct them. I hate things not to be correct.
have a good reading
"You finally had the possibility to join our crew, Varkku!"
Star said while smiling at her.
"Yeah, I had to work hard, but here i am."
"Let me introduce you the crew:
He is my Dada!" She screamed, pointing at a pink egg bean with spectacles on and well curated mustache.
"They're Mime!"
She continued while pointing at the yellow beanie crewmate, who just waved at them.
"Then there are some guys who arrived a few weeks ago: the tan one says that he's a detective but I don't think so. He hasn't solved anything up to now. Then there's White, who just calls himself White, their parents weren't original I guess..."
Varkku laughed a bit to Star's jokes while she was keeping listening to her.
"Oh, then we have my dear friendo,
Meh was a black suited crewmate with a light red beanie on. They just smiled slightly to Star and came back to their work.
"Well...they're funnier out of here, I think sometimes they take too seriously every little detail of these missions, but for sure, they love this place. These days they're being a bit upset because tan is taking their place as the detective. Don't mind about them a lot, it's not the best person to start talking with here, I suggest you to talk with them when the mission will be over."
"So are they like good or bad?."
"Well they just talk a bit with me and Mime and they might look dark or mean, but they are actually one of the best buddies to being friend to!"
"You won't listen to me and go to talk with them, right?"
"I don't know."
"Well do whatever you please, but be careful to their girlfriend, she is kind of jealous."

Varkku went to electrical, she was walking slowly and not sure about what she would have done to approach the black bean. When she was about to talk to them their girlfriend jumped in their arms:
"Hey honey! How are your tasks going?"
"Very well, what about yours?"
"I'm already done!"
"What a good crewmate, would you like to come along with me?"
"No thanks, I prefer to stay alone."
She said and then walked away, leaving a disappointed face on the black bean's one that just got back focusing on their tasks.
The red bean said to them.
They stepped back a bit, insecure about who and what that new crewmate wanted from them.
"Hi, you must be Meh, aren't you?"
"Yeah, that's my name."
They said while fixing wires in electrical.
"I-i am Varkku-...W- Would you like to be friends?"
"Friends? This place is dangerous, a lot of these missions ended very dramatically, people died because of some weird aliens attacks and you would ask me to trust someone who I've just met when everyone here can be an intergalactic monster?"
"Well i know you move yoursef very well here and that you are some sort of detective...i wondered if you could help me. That's my first mission"
"I don't know."
"Mommy, stop having so much trust issues!"
"I don't have trust issues."
"Yes you have mommy!"
A little voice said from behind: it was a little kid with the same black suit as Meh had.
"Oh! And who's this little boy here-?"
"Hi! I am Mike!"
He said.
"How old are you?"
The little crewmate showed a hand with three fingers up, trying to explain he was three years old.
"I had to take him with me, no one were able to take care of him."
Meh said while caressing him.
"Awh, you're so cute-!"
"Thank you! Mommy says that too!"
Meh genuinely smiled by seeing the red crewmate playing and talking with their kid.
"Mommy is a bit too serious sometimes, but you have beaten a record: you have been talking with them for about five minutes. It's the longest conversation they had since a long time, if we don't talk about meetings. But Don't worry, they are a good person."
Varkku smiled at the words of Mike.
"Yeah Mike, thanks."
"It's true mom! You don't talk that much with anyone! I am getting bored here! Varkku seems fun, why don't we do tasks togheter since Bianca can't come with us?"
"You two are very stubborn, especially you red crewmate..."
They said while slowly approaching her, making the red crewmate shake a bit.
"I like that. Come on let's finish tasks togheter."
"Oh, really?"
"Yay! You convinced them!"
"Yeah...but just a wrong step and you're out of here, got it?"
They replied looking at her eyes threatening and then picked up their little kid.
"Woah, Meh, Chill! A detective should be like me, look at me! I am calm."
Tan said while laughing at him.
"In fact, you're not a detective, you- you don't even know what it means. A detective takes seriously his role and works hard to look for evidence. You're just a stupid crewmate who got here because your dad is a big piece in the station, isn't he?"
Meh replied, touching the only Tan's
important thing: his dignity.
"How dare you-"
"Shut. I am busy, I have to do my work instead of chilling as an idiot around. "
Meh replied and then waved to Varkku to follow him out of electrical.
While the two crewmates were leaving electrical, Star went there to do some tasks:
"Wow, did you really managed to talk with them so easily and also to have the permission to do tasks with them? You need a medal sis."
"Yeah, i think they are just keeping an eye on me, not anything else."
She said not really sure if she actually wanted to stay with them anymore.
"Are you coming or what?"
Meh asked.
"Oh, yeah! I'm coming-!"

☁︎𝙰𝚗 𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝙰𝚛𝚝/𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 2☁︎Where stories live. Discover now