Chapter 2 (original human au)

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Pick up

•daki & gyutaro (kids)

Doumas pov:

I got up and clean akaza with a towel before tucking him with a blanket

And kiss his forehead lovingly

I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and drying myself off

Before putting my coat back on and walk of the house and get in the car

I check the time and it was 5 in the afternoon..

As i drove to the daycare center
i got off and went inside

Walking over to the female on the counter

(?): (my.. hes.. good looking.. whoever his wife or gf is, is pretty lucky..!! Im a little jealous..)

(?): Hello sir! How may i help you?

Douma: im looking for my kids!

(?): (huh.. hm... ive never seen a kid that looks similar to him.. but whatever..)

(?): Oh! Tell me their name please!

Douma: its gyutaro and daki.

(?): gyutaro and daki..

She checked on the list

(?): Oh! They are in room 6 its over there just go right sir

Douma: thank you maam.

(?): (this is shocking! I didnt expect for that good looking guy to have those 2 kids.. ugh.. seriously i want to know who the wife/gf is!!)

(?): no problem sir!

I entered the room 6 and i saw gyutaro and daki playing with blocks and a teddy bear

Douma: Daki! Gyutaro!

Daki & gyutaro: GASP DAD!!!

Both of them quickly ran up to me and hugged me tight as i crouched down to them with open arms

Douma: how was the daycare my little gremlins?

Daki: there were ugly kids..

Gyutaro: eh, its okay

Douma: eh.. Well im glad you both had fun right?

Daki & gyutaro: Yeah we did!

Douma: good, now lets get back home shall we?

Daki: dad.. wheres mom?

Douma: oh hes just taking a rest in the bedroom~

Daki: oh okie!

I carried daki with my arm while i hold gyutaros hand with the other

I thank the lady on the counter and get the kids in the car and drove back home

When i looked at the backseat on the view mirror they were both already asleep

Heh such little cuties..

I gently pick them up and carry them all the way to their bedroom and kiss their forehead

Before hanging my coat and lock the front door then walking back to the bedroom

Seeing my husband still asleep

I mustve went too rough on him

I chuckled to myself

I lay next to him and cuddle him close before falling asleep.

douma x akaza (first story) Doukaza/DouAka/Dokaza/AkaDou  (One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now