|Last of My Kind|

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    Avenge us.

That's what Auris's siblings told her in unison before all the life bled out of them, their beautiful jeweled wings lying limp and bloodstained. Auris dragged her own wings on the ground as she stumbled, half-blind, looking for a place to hide. Her twisted, bone-pearl horns were splattered grimly with the blood of her siblings.

Zullie and Miro, now dead and decaying with black arrows speared through every inch of them.

Avenge us.

Their last words echoed through Auris's mind. The fact that she knew that she was the last of her kind didn't help her teary mood. She angrily wiped away her silver tears. No, crying wouldn't help. She had to hide. Regain her aura, and absorb enough moonlight and sunlight to fuel herself. Then she would hunt down her siblings' murderers.

Auris's kind was known as spirits of peace.

But now, the last embodiment of it will transform to vengeance.

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