The Chapter Begins

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(A/n Hey hey readers. Me and a friend Sherlock-hp-ziall are banding together on this story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.)
Victoria sat at the front desk of her little bookstore and looked around at the dream she built for herself. This was all she really wanted her own little bookstore in England. Which is what she got and as a bonus, her store was in an airport. Now to most the last part of her dream may have been a bit queer, but Vic had a reason for wanting to have a bookstore in an airport, well really she had two she loved airports and she loved books, you see so much love at airports and you read about love in books you also read about having to say goodbye so to have both in one place is just a dream come true for her.
Her bookstore was open around the clock for anyone who had just arrived or was about to leave to be able to read something. Victoria didn't want her store to ever be closed because have you ever had that moment when it's 11pm and you've finished your cup of tea and your mouth wide open from the cliff hanger and you know you can't sleep, work or even think straight until you get the next book? It's happened to all a book loves and that is why she wants her book store open 24/7 or if you just feel lost and need to be around books at 2am her doors are wide open.
A movement in her store caught her eye and Victoria looked up. There standing in one of the isles of the store was a man dressed in a green military uniform, with unruly blond hair grumbling to himself. Vic looked up at the clock and noticed that it was 1:00am. She got up quietly and made her way over.
"Can help you sir?" She asked. The man looked up and Victoria was caught in a pair of dark green eyes, but the longer she looked at them the more she saw a spark of light burning within them.
"Excuse me, miss?" The man's voice broke her trance.
"What? Sorry, you have really pretty eyes, sorry, what was that?" She asked mentally cursing her social awkwardness. The man seemed a bit put off by her behaviour.
"Well, ah... thank you, I was just wondering if you have any of Shakespeare's works available? More specifically, I was wondering if you had Twelfth Night?" Victoria nodded.
"This way," she said walking to the next isle which had a whole section just for Shakespeare's works. She picked up a copy of Twelfth Night and turned in time to see the man's eyes fill with a joyous light.
"Thank you love," he said gently taking the book from Victoria's grasp. Vic smiled, happy she could help someone find what they were looking for.
The man smiled back then turned towards the counter. This got Vic to spring into action, she quickly walked behind the counter to serve the man. The smile was still plastered on her face.
"Thank you, my names Arthur Kirkland by the way, what's your name love?" The man, Arthur, asked.
"My names Victoria Soul," Vic said in reply.
"That's a lovely name Victoria, do you own this shop?" He asked. Vic nodded.
"Yeah, it's always been my dream to own a bookstore here in England," she said truthfully. Arthur started and looked at her blankly for a moment, before he seemed to shake it off.
"Really? Why not some other place, like America?" He asked almost hesitantly. Vic made a face.
"Like my friends said multiple times, America's overrated," came her swift reply. As soon as the words left her mouth the man before her burst into laughter.
"I couldn't agree more," he said finally calming down, he wiped away the happy tears.
"Well, I have to go love, I'll be sure to come back at some point," Arthur said sending Victoria one last smile. She smiled back and watched him leave her store. She sighed looking back at the Shakespeare section. Quietly she stood up and walked over, she picked up a copy of Twelfth Night and walked back to the desk and started reading. By the time her shift change came she was halfway through the book. Vic smiled up at her replacement and smiled.
"Well I'm gonna go," she said picking up her book and leaving the store for her apartment. Once there she trudged in and went straight to her bed. Quickly she stripped off her outer layers and got into her bed and quickly fell asleep.

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