🌈 Reader's scent range 👃

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Idea by: Mcccyn

Scenario: Plushie reader, much like a Fur berry [long forgotten scented plush] or Strawberry Shortcake toys [I don't know if they're still scented nowadays-] has scented fur. Only difference is, their scent changes depending on whom they're interacting with.

Note: the scent is usually very faint and unnoticeable, and almost unnoticeable, but it flares up on contact/if you're being patted/ loved on/Happy.

🎨 Wally [+ 🏠 Home]

Scent: mainly Apple pie/ cinnamon apple

🍎 If he's close enough to smell it, he'll get closer to you without even realizing it and press his face into your fur. [🏠 He'll have a peaceful look if he detects the scent.]

🍎 He'll tell you bluntly that you smell good and cling to you. [🏠 Home always compliments your scent whenever you're over]

🍎 Now that you've taught him to sleep, he'll often go to you if he wants to nap or invites you over. [🏠 Home's pretty much a second/Vacation house for you with how often you're over.]

👁 he'd be mildly upset when you have to leave/or someone else arrives and screws up the scent. [🏠 gets mildly nervous watching you and Wally from afar when other neighbors come around.]


🦴 Barnaby

Scent: Bacon/Hot dog

🐶 it's mostly when he really gets you laughing that he'll notice your scent.

🐶 he gets a kick out of it, and playfully starts nuzzling your head.

🐶 sometimes, he'll even nibble your ears playfully to mess with you.

🐶 if he's feeling a bit down, he'll bear hug you and nuzzle your head to cheer himself up. [Succeeds nearly everytime]

🐶 He'd often get hungry from the scent and treat the two of you to a hot dog from Howdy's.


🪀 Julie

Scent: saccharine sweet/Candy

🧸 Once she catches whiff of it, she'll never wanna let you go.

🧸 She'd bury her face in your fur, murmuring how good you smelled.

🧸 the neighbors would often find her on your shoulders, playing with your ears.

🧸 during sleepovers, she sleeps very close to you, and you wake up the next morning with her atop you.

🧸 Sometimes Frank needs to convince her to get off you.


🦋 Frank

Scent: Jasmine/Lavender

📚 during a reading session with you, he detected the scent coming off of you.

📚 he found this interesting and wondered how you had such a unique trait.

📚 He certainly feels much calmer with you and that scent around.

📚 at times if something is getting on his nerves, he'll lean into you and let you give him side hugs to steady his nerves.

📚 Sometimes falls asleep leaned against you if you're sitting together.


🪶 Poppy

Scent: various fresh baked pastries

🍪 during a knitting session, she caught whiff of freshly baked cookies, which is something she didn't remember baking that day. Then she realized it was coming off of you.

🍪 she'd be quite confused at first, but after you assured her it was natural, she actually grew to enjoy it.

🍪 sometimes when you're with her, the other neighbors think she baked something.

🍪 during downtimes, she'd rest her head atop yours, preening your ears gently.

🍪 sometimes she'd fall asleep with her neck slung around your shoulders, like a swan hug.


🐛 Howdy

Scent: lavender

🛍 when you were assisting him in his shop, he caught whiff of your scent when you passed by him.

🛍 he'd kinda lose focus on what he was doing, as the scent would kind of put him in a mild trance.

🛍 during breaks, he'd hug you with all four arms, nuzzling your head to unwind.

🛍 Sometimes you'd have to remind him of the time to snap him back into focus.

🛍 Frank has caught this, and has since been observing your interactions with Howdy. Even with binoculars sometimes.

☀️ Sally

Scent: Roses

🎭 She smelled it after a successful performance, when she hugged you with excitement.

🎭 since then she has you sit beside her, either during playwriting, directing or just in general.

🎭 sometimes, she falls asleep on your belly during playwriting or freetime.

🎭 if rehearsals aren't going well, she holds your paw upto her face to keep herself steady. At times her grip hurts.

🎭 hugs from her are a lot more frequent.


✉️ Eddie

Scent: Jasmine

💌 He caught a faint scent of it when delivering your mail, and when walking by you, but thought it was just him.

💌 it finally clicked that it was you when you were making arts and crafts with him.

💌 During stressful times, you'd walk beside him or sit with him, hoping your scent would ease his nerves. [And it did]

💌 He and Frank found out they liked the same scent, which flustered Frank slightly.

💌 in a way, having you around sort of brings them closer.

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