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I spin around making my back face him so he cannot see my face. Him seeing me made it worse.
"Why did you run off what is wrong? What did I do?" He asks.
"Y-you didn't do anything" I spit out between hyperventilating.
"Are you okay Miss Anastasia?" He asks putting his hand on my shoulder in a attempt for me to turn around.
"I- I cant..... breathe" I say trying to speak through the struggle. I keep my back to him as I can feel him come around so I am facing him but I turn and start to pace with my head facing down as I try to control my hands by rubbing them on my dress. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to get it to stop. I haven't had attacks like this since father passed I don't know what's wrong with me.
I start to spit out word vomit saying "No no no no you mustn't see me like this I cannot have you see me like this, mother said not to let anyone see me weak, that if they did they would think I am not fit for a title I cannot have you see me like this I-"
"Shhh" he says, cutting me off stepping to me as he puts my hand to his heart and his on mine. "It is fine Ana just listen" he says in a whispering tone. "Listen to my heart as I listen to yours. Close your eyes and think of the sycamore tree at the summer house. Think of the leaves and the field we laid on to gaze at the tree. Think of the nature in your nose and the sun on your face and listen to the wind blow the tree leaves. Think of the laughter and innocent conversations that revolved if dragons and fairies were real. Think of the wind in your hair as we rode the horses back at nightfall once the sun set. Think of peace, Ana." He says and my breathing starts to slow down.
I feel his hand move from my heart to my face as he cups it putting his forehead to mine. He moved his head to my ear and whispers "I have already seen you like this Anastasia and I do not think you are unfit for any title and nor will society. I think you are shy as one should be after being hidden. I think you are facing society for the first time in years and I think you are reacting quite normal despite the circumstances."
Without noticing, the shaking stopped as well as the hyperventilating and suddenly I could breathe.
"When did you become the nice brother, Prince Nathan?" I ask still not being able to make eye contact looking off to the side.
He giggled and replied, "Just Nathan for you Ana".
I look up to him and his attention shifts to the left, "they will notice we have fled if we do not go back soon. Are you okay to go back?" He asks.
I take a deep breath turning to the right and pacing, " I don't think I can do it. The stares and glares and whispers.. I- I Just i don't know" I say continuing to pace wiping my hands on my dress so they don't shake.
"Joffrey, ready the horses" Nathan says.
I turn around standing as still as stone in confusion looking at him. "The horses?" I ask.
"Yes, the horses. If you shall not join society, I shall not join society. We shall go for a ride to clear your mind." He says completely sure of his decision with his hands behind his back.
"Clear my mind?" I ask in confusion stepping towards him.
"Yes, clear your mind. On we go" he says stepping towards me holding his arm out to escort me.
"No we cannot I-"
"Why can we not?" He asks interrupts me.
"I mustn't, my mother and all of society will wonder where we have fled too they will think I have been seduced I, I cannot." I say standing my ground as I cross my arms. He grins at me almost as if he was proud. "What" I ask looking off to hide the fact I am blushing.
"You snapped out of it Ana" he says smiling.
I snapped out of it.
"I.. I did." I say looking down. How did he do that?
"On we go. We mustn't miss my mothers entrance. If anyone asks, we shall say I took you to see the sycamore tree I planted for you in honor of your late father" he said without batting an eye.
"A sycamore tree?" I say stunned.
"Yes Ana, I planted you a sycamore tree. The first summer you did not show I planted it for you in hopes when you returned it would of matured into its beauty" He says softly. I smile walking up to him and taking his arm so we can go back. I take a deep breath preparing myself for the gawking as he asks "you ready?"  And I nod yes. I turn facing forward and hold my head high ready to face everyone.
"You really have grown up to be even more beautiful than you were when we were kids Lady Mikaelson" he says looking at me. I look down smiling and say "And you grew up go be a fine man Prince Nathan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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