An incident

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Tho, far before his mother died. When he's still in the care his of fooster mother: Halimahtus Sa'diyah. An incident happend.

Prophet Muhammad (Shallahu 'alaihi wassalam) was 10 years old back then, playing together with his friends like other normal kids.

But then, something happend. The kids rushed towards Halimah's place, knocking the door harshly.

After a while, the door was opened. Halimah is confussed, wondering why the childrens were looking at her with a terrified expression.

But that expression, made her worried. Also with the fact that young Muhammad was not with them at all.

"Is about Muhammad, He's beeing killed!" The kids says. Hearing this, her eyes widdened. She rushed to the said place, with the kids guiding the way.

Once they maded in place, Halimah and the youngsters were stunned. Guess what? Young muhammad was still alive! standing there with a pale face.

His eyes wandered towards his fooster mother, and when he spotted her he immediately ran torwards her with tears.

Long story short, Muhammad told halimah what happend.

Its a person, he walked towards muhammad and embraced him. Laying his body down a rock before taking his heart off of his chest.

Who knew? That the person is actually an angle of Allah, The angle Jibreel.

He was sent by Allah to clean the prophet's heart.

This story is written in a hadist, Annas bin Malik RA. Who said:

"One day when Rasulullah SAW was playing with several children, the angel Jibril approached him. Suddenly the angel Gabriel grabbed Rasulullah SAW and laid his body down. After that, Jibril opened Rasulullah SAW's chest and took out his heart. Then, the angel Gabriel took out a lump blood from the heart of the Messenger of Allah by saying, "This is where the devil is in you.".

Next, the angel Gabriel washed the Prophet's day with Zamzam water in a vessel made of gold, then returned the heart to its original place.

At that time, other children (while playing with Rasulullah SAW) went to their mother and shouted, "Muhammad was killed!". After that they came to Muhammad who turned out to be still alive with a pale face." (HR. Muslim)

--The hadist i saw were originally translated to indonesian language, then translated back to english by google translation. I apologize if there was any mistakes.

And after that incident, Halimahtus Sa'diyah decided to give muhammad back to the care of his biological mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2024 ⏰

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