a bunch of shipping quotes

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Warning. This contains GilDon (Gilda x Don), RayAnna (Ray x Anna) and a shit ton of NorEmma (Norman x Emma)


At Gilda and Don's wedding and, lol, yeah, they're married in this timeline (Human realm arc)

Gilda: *hands Emma the bouqet (ldk how to spell it)*

Emma: ??? *looks around, very confuzzled ☆☆*


Gilda: been waiting for this 😌

(Yes, Gilda gave Norman the green light before-hand. This is so cringe, lmfao)


Ray: just admit it, you have a crush on him


Ray: see, this is where you fucked up. I never mentioned you and Norman

Emma: I- fuck

(This was inspired by an incorrect quote by @-emmasmissingear)


Anna: I cut off my braids so you could live

Ray: again, you could've just let me die

Anna: no. I love you way more than I love my braids. That should say sumn

Emma: to be honest, it should


Emma: *hands Norman a rose*

Norman: Emma, Valentine's day was months ago

Emma: I know


Gilda: *feeling lonely*

Don, who was asleep: *immediently wakes up and grabs his phone*

I love you

Love you too


Emma: I am not saying "I love you" to the next person that calls my phone, Ray

Norman is calling

Emma: ah, fuck you, Ray


Some guy: Hey, Emma. I was wondering if you were free tonight, at 7?

Emma: nope, I already have a date

Some guy: with who!?

Emma: class president, bitch


Gilda: who's hoodie is that?

Anna: Ray's

Gilda: should've known

Anna: huh?-

Gilda: it has a lit match on the front

Anna: oh


Emma: people always think that me, Carol and Norman are a family

Ray, bein a sarcastic Emo boi: hmm, I wonder why

Emma: ... your sarcasm is so strong that even Anna could tell you're not being serious

Ray: shut up

Emma: but, seriously. Why do people think we're a family?

Ray: well, for starters, you and Norman act like the perfect couple

Emma: touché

Ray: and Carol looks biologically related to both of you. Blue eyes, short ginger hair, you know

Emma: ....

Emma: I see it now


Gilda: I wish we were like Emma and Norman

Don: why?

Gilda: look at em', they basically already have a family started

Don: ... wait, you wanna adopt a child?-

Gilda: I- ... kinda


Anna: Norman! Emma! Carol! Can you come over here?

Norman: okay...?

Emma: what did you need?

Anna: can you pose like this? *shows em an old portrait of a family*

Emma: sure, I guess

Like, five minutes later

Anna: perfect. Now I have a family photo of y'all

Norman: what?-


Norman: hey, Emma, wanna go get some ice cream?

Emma: marry me

Norman: Emma, we've only been engaged for a week-


Anna: love you

Ray: love you too



Yuugo: look at these cute pens I found

Lucas: Yuugo, that's gay

Yuugo: .... Lucas, we've been dating-

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