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It was monday morning, I open my eyes & groan at the sound of my timer go off. I feel around my bed for my phone, not opening my eyes yet. I feel the vibration of my phone wrapped up under my covers. I grab it and put the bright light up to my face. Squinting my eyes at the bright light which read..


Not ready for my day to start, I click snooze and close my eyes for a little nap.

Yes I take a nap after I sleep. I mean who the actual fuck gets right up after waking up? Well if you do, just know... I most definitely DONT.

My snooze timer then goes off


This time I decide against not hitting the snooze button again and actually waking up because I know how long I take to get ready.

Walking into my bathroom, I turn the light on.

'Why is this light so bright?'

I walk over to the toilet, open the lid and sit down, emptying my bladder.

After I'm done I stood up closed the lid and flushed the toilet. I walk in front of my sink and wash my hands, when I'm done I dry my hands on my hand towel.

I look at myself in the mirror feeling tiredness rushing trough me. "Argh" I groaned while stretching after I'm done I take my toothbrush wet it, apply some toothpaste and wet it again.

(A/n: If you don't wet your toothbrush before applying toothpaste or don't wet your toothbrush at all... stay the fuck away from me - please and thank you)

I brush my teeth looking at myself in the mirror. I wash my mouth out, after I'm done brushing.

Exiting the bathroom and walking into my room I hear it raining. I walk over to my window looking out. And it's raining really bad.

Duo to the fact that is was raining it was kind of dark in my room so I turned my light on and closed my windows including the round one on my ceiling

While their closing I enter my walk in closet to see a lot of clothes, shoes, high heels, hats, bags, dresses, robes, bonnets, crocs, accessories and etc. all in different colors and of different materials.

I then changed my mind and walked back out. I went to do my skincare and shower first than have breakfast and than change into today's outfit.

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