Chapter Eighteen: Calm Before The Storm

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NORAH TURNED THE SMALL BAG OF DRUGS OVER in her hands, narrowing her eyes. She glanced up to see where her friends were. They were a few paces ahead of her, and it probably would take them a few moments before they realized she wasn't with them.

She pursed her lips, brushing her hand over the smooth plastic again, clearing the mud on the packet. She had spotted it a minute ago, thrown on the ground beside a huge tree. It was common knowledge that the forest was commonly used to deal drugs, and she guessed that they'd dropped this package when the people were packing up, most probably panicking when they heard someone approaching.

This was a poor choice of location for drug dealing. They were currently walking on the periphery of the woods, where cars and people travelled frequently while using the woods to travel between Eastbrooks and Westbrooks.

Norah chewed her lip, wondering how much this small bag would cost, and what the substance was. A darker part of her mind coaxed her to open it and take it, eager for something that would make her feel alive and different and euphoric. Just a little taste, that darker part of her crooned in her mind. It seduced her with promises of feeling something else but this endless loop of sadness, fear, and anxiousness, assuring that Norah would feel good. That everything would be alright. It reminded her of everything she went through the past two years, and how Norah deserved the break for being so good, and that she earned it. Just once, came the dark whisper. You'll forget everything for a small while, and it'll be everything you needed. A restart button that would make everything alright.

Norah shut her eyes, biting her lip so hard it drew blood. Stop, shut up, she told herself, shaking her head vigorously. A sudden burst of clarity sweeped through her mind, and she pressed her hand against her mouth. "Dios mío," she whispered to herself, scared at what happened. Just for one second, Norah had been tempted to take those drugs. And if she gave in that one second, there would've been no coming back from that. She'd seen what had happened with Kazuo. It could've happened to her too.

Gentle hands fell upon her shoulders and Norah whirled around, flinching. She met Austin's brilliant green eyes that were wide open, his face apologetic. He raised his hands, "Shit, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have startled you like that," he said. Norah nodded shakily, twisting her hands behind her back and putting the packet of drugs in her closed fist.

Austin immediately sensed something was wrong. "What happened? Why are you hiding your hands? Did you hurt them?" Austin demanded, moving to inspect her hands. Norah instinctively backed away.

Austin froze. "What happened, Raven?"

"Uhh," Norah faltered. She reminded herself she didn't do anything, even do she was tempted to. She stopped herself. Reluctantly, she got her hand out and opened her fingers, baring what was inside. Austin inhaled sharply, his eyes widened as his head snapped up to face hers. Infinite worry was etched into his features. "Norah–" he started with panic, extending a hand to hold her free hand, seizing the packet with the other hand.

Norah's eyes widened, "Wait, no, no. It isn't what it looks like. I spotted this by the tree there," Norah whirled around, pointing a finger at the spot, "and I just took it to see what it was. Though I was tempted to take it for a second..." she admitted with shame, her head bent down, "I did fight that impulse. I didn't give in."

She continued staring at the ground, at their shoes. She frowned when the drug packet joined the ground beside their shoes. A second later, arms were around her frame, holding her tightly to his frame. One of Austin's hand was around her waist while the other was securing her head against his chest. Norah looped her arms around his neck, burying her head into his warmth and exhaled.

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