the indescribable feeling

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The noise was strange,considering the fact that the chilly wind was only a mere breeze and could not compared to the loud sounds of the new wind that echoed through her ears

'Mmh...',what was supposed to be just a loud windy wind came an intense heat prickling onto the young woman's face

Sandy and powdery sensations flutters onto the palms of her now sweaty hands,the small grains of the sandy feature sticking on the surface

A soaring heat unlashes under her body making her squirmed uncontrollably before finally opening her eyes

She was met with the sun shining brightly making her groan squinting her eyes she brought her hand up to cover her eyes only to realise it was covered by sand

Her eyebrows furrowed confused on how she managed to get sand in her bedroom let alone on her bed

Unbothered she layed there for a bit reminiscing on what she did before she fell asleep to get kinetic sand on her bed

'How did i end up with sand on my bed?must've been food crumbs i don't remember and why is the sun shining so brightly in this already hot weather?'

Living in a penthouse means the sun getting covered mostly by the clouds so getting hit by the blinding sun was not possible but not entirely impossible

'Wait',she thought for a second blinking slowly


Regaining her senses she quickly sat up from her layed star position on the ground

            "What in the hell..."                     

There she was layyed in the middle of no where just sand in the landscape and not a single human in sight only dead palm trees and many many sand

"Desert?w-why am i in the desert?" Her lips quivered scared that she was in a unfamiliar place with no human beings around

She clenched her fist hardly before bringing them to her head punching onto the side of her head repeatedly just enough for her to think it'll knocked some sense on how this happend,"maybe this is all just a dream right?yea i am probably dreaming"

Closing her eyes once again she waited for something to happened

Minutes passed but alas nothing occured and remained the same just like when she wakes up

Moaning in frustration she grips her hair tightly and tears started to well up in her eyes

Not only was the place she's stranded in was frustrating but the hot weather was stressing her even more

Getting lost in a train of thoughts a new sound wakes her from her thoughts

In a distance she could see what seems like a man with his face covered riding on a gypsy vanner horse,both sides of the horse was strapped with leather bags

The hooves of the horse pressing on the sandy ground while moving in a fast speed,sands flying in the back as the hoove slides past the sandy ground displaying a majestic sight

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