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"SUPA STRIKAS RELEGATED!!!" the news hit like a lightning bolt striking after a calm shower of rain. Everyone knew it was coming but no one conceived it as possible. The club had been in a downward spiral for years, it began when Coach left, and the club began switching between managers every year or so. Then the spine of the team, Fabian Skhosana also known as Dancing Rasta retired a year later. The void left by these two was immense, a lack of leadership, experience and technical prowess began Supa Strika's downfall.

Soon the Strikas we knew began dwindling down one by one. El Matador soon took an early retirement and made it big in Hollywood, Cool Joe followed his musical ambitions and became one of the biggest selling artists of the decade. Twisting Tiger rejoined Nakama FC before retiring to reconcile with former teammates and regain his friendship with Miko Chen. Then Bojack retired after injury troubles and became a billionaire, along with Blok who began a multi-million dollar energy drink empire along his brother Attak called Rybar Energy. Soon, Supa Strikas was left with only three members of their original team. Shakes, North Shaw and Klaus, these three kept Strikas afloat for as long as they possibly could, but the lack of investment in talented players to replace old ones signalled doom for the men in red.

However, when all hope seemed lost, Samson "Skarra" Manzuel, the club's greatest rival joined them in the later stages of his career, becoming captain and leading them to one last Super League Title alongside Shakes. After Shakes retired, Skarra took charge of the team and gave everything to keep them afloat, but it was all for nothing. Soon, Supa Strikas was relegated and Skarra retired a Supa Strika's legend.

A couple months later

Johannesburg, South Africa. OR Tambo international Airport.

A South African Airways Boeing 747 Airbus lands on one of the Airstrips. Inside the cockpit sits captain Mara Mokoena and First mate Ryan Taylor. Mara is in her late thirties whilst Ryan is in his early twenties.

"Well, happy retirement Captain." Ryan Said as they began to pack up their stuff.

"Making it seem like it was my choice." Mara said, smiling as she stroked her belly which showed a small baby bump.

"Early retirement is always nice, but I'm sure that Jomo and Nandi will enjoy having their mom home most of the time, and so will their father." Ryan said as they began walking out of the plane.

"I do speak a lot about them a lot, don't I? But I know next to nothing about you Ryan." Mara said.

"Well, I am not married to one of the greatest strikers in Super League history, nor was I the pilot for what was the best team in the league a couple years ago. So, there is not much to know about me." Ryan replied.

"Yeah, was" Mara said, looking disappointed.

"How did he hold up after that? His team was relegated, must have been brutal."

"He cried himself to sleep every night for a couple of weeks, but he has been doing better, especially after finding out I'm pregnant again. SKarra and Spenza also kept him from killing himself a couple of times." Mara said, before taking out an envelope and handing it to Ryan.

"what's this?" Ryan said, confused.

"It's a recommendation letter that you can use at the private pilot agency I used to work for. listen kid, you aren't built for the crazy hours that come with commercial aircrafts, you can make a lot of bank flying for those rich moguls and stuff. Plus, early retirement is a given, maybe one day you'll be the pilot for a big super league team." Mara said, as Ryan quickly hugged her.

"Thanks, Captain." Ryan said, before letting go and them exchanging goodbyes.

An hour later.


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