Part 1- The begging of all

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Hello! My name is Hope Skylar , i'm 19 and I'm here to tell all about my recent life, but i think i should tell you a little more, so  let's start with the begging.
   I'm half American and half Romanian , my mother is from Romania and my father is from the USA. They met a long time ago in Chicago, they were both in the same college and somehow the have fallen in love.
They were together for 1 year  before having me and  then my little brother, Aiden,who is 14. When my mom got pregnant with me, they decided to move together and to start a family, even though they were 24 at the time.  Fast forward, we all  live in Chicago , our house is located in a nice area and me and Aiden are studying at a good school. When I finished high-school i decided to go to college out of the city , for more reasons. And here comes the part where i left the house. It wasn't really hard to do it ,because i always told myself that eventually i will have to. The hard part was leaving my brother. And I know what you're thinking, that i am way too dramatic ,but the truth is that i always had a special bond with my little brother, i was always there for him and he was always there for me. When i stepped out of the door , I looked back and look again at my mom who was crying, at my dad who didn't really seem to care that i was leaving for college in another state, and my brother,my Aiden. I was surprised when he  burst into tears and hugged me. I didn't want to cry too so i laughed and told him that i'll see him in two weeks. Now, as i was in the car already texting my friends and also my brother, i couldn't stop thinking about why my father was so non-emotional and didn't say a word. I wasn't surprised because i don't have a really good connection with my him,he never talked to me about any hard situation and he also have another child (before he met my mom) ,who is 2 years older than me . My dads side of the family always made my mother felt bad, but not just his family but him. My father isn't really present in my life , he don't even live with us , he was "home " the day that i left only because my mother and my brother begged him. Anyway, enough about my dad . I was ready to start a new life and who knows maybe to find my love.

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