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Liked by KittyKat, Quincy Q, Daes, L.J and 500 others King Minho- I'm starting to regret hanging out with you @KittyKat
KittyKat cmon Minnie they're such cute pants, plus they had Xo KITTY we had to get them King Minho replied I disagree
L.J where are my picture creds? King Minho replied ahh yes picture creds go to Kitty's lovely sister L.J
Quincy Q I can't believe kitty actually convinced you to do this lol King Minho replied I can't believe it either, I think I'm going soft mate Daes replied it's happen to the best of us, you guys look great btw King Minho liked this comment thx man
𝚈𝚞𝚛𝚒💕 I'm not the only one who thinks this is low key giving couple vibes right Juli 💕 no I completely agree babe
Min ho fan who's this? I've never seen her on his page before Min ho's fav fan replied I'm not sure but she's really pretty Kim Minho liked this comment she is isn't she