welcome to H3ll prt2: Meeting Blitz and the gang

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Angeldusts hotel room
Angeldust opens the door and theres a small meow as we walk in. "Awww a kitty!" I love animals and the fact theres a cat here makes me really excited. Angeldust chuckles "you like cats hey Kit?" I blush at the nickname "y-yeah.i actually like all animals. But cats are my favorite." Angeldust smiles as i yawn. "Allright time for bed kiddo." He says but as i look i only see one bed. Oh my chicken tenders! Are we sharing a bed? I dont know if i can... I trust him but im still scared. Angeldust notices my red face and smirks "dont worry sweetie im gay. But if it would help me and Cherry can sleep on the floor." Then a demon with one eye and amazing long hair walks in. "Angel hun can you please get me some cold water? Its been a-" she looks at me and my heart starts to race. Is she gonna hurt me? Im scared.  I quickly hide behind Angel for protection and Cherry laughs. "Oh my brimstone! How did this human get here? Shes so cute! Angel youre a hero! She wouldve been taken by some lowly perv if you didnt find her! " is she saying im okay? Do i get to stay then?   

Time skip cause im too lazy.  

After explaining the demoness told me her name. "So little kia do you wanna stay here for now?" She asks and i nod "yes please miss." After that was dealt with Cherry suggested we all share the bed so i dont feel alone. I agree. Being alone is terrifying.

Time skip to the morning.

When we wake up i think about getting some clothes and sigh. I dont have any. This outfit stinks. Maybe i can ask to borrow some from Cherry. 
Asking Cherry for clothes seems too overbearing so i dont. Then i hear Cherry on the phone. "Mhm thats right Blitz. I need you to take her to get some clothes. And maybe some other things too. Youll be right over? Awesome. Oh please be nice okay? Shes really skidish. Thanks. Yeah bring everyone. Allrighty see ya soon." I wonder who this Blitz is... Should i be scared? Is he nice? Or is he a meanie?    

Another time skip brought by Ozzies.

Theres a knock on the door making me jump. I quickly hide under the bed as Cherry opens the door. "Ah Blitz that was fast. I have to warn you guys though. Shes human so-" "HUMAN? AS IN STILL ALIVE? HOW DIF SHE GET HERE?!" I cover my ears when he yells. Thats when Cherry looks under the bed "hey kid you wanna come say hi?" I shake my head too afraid to leave. "Aww come on sweetheart. You dont need to worry. If anyone has an issue i promise to kick them out." She reaches out her hand and i grab it. As i crawl out from my hiding place i hear everyone gasp making me hold on to her hip.

Everyone introduces themselves after the shock dies down.

"Hey girl. The names Millie. Nice to meet ya." I like her accent. Reminds me of Aunt Suzie.

"Im Moxie and you look adoreable!" He looks at me with puupydog eyes. Hes really cute.

Then a wolf looking girl smiles. She looks really cool! "Names Luna and if you get lost i will find you so dont worry." Shes awesome!

Another guy steps forward. I dont like him. "Names Blitz. You might wanna remember it and respect me. Im the one who runs this group." So selfish. And bossy. I nod quickly.

"I-im Kiata. Its a blast meeting you all!" I throw up my usual peace sign and stick my tongue out. I must look stupid right now.

After we all introduce ourselves Millie takes my hand and we walk out the door. "You might need a disguise." Luna says as she makes me look like a demon. How did she do that? It was so cool! And i look cute as a demon.

Hey oh! Puppychan here! Sorry for the
Long chapters. Also please like my story. Its my first one. Alright i should go. This is Puppychan saying Have a great time!   

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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