3. Anatoly x Reader Fluff

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Description : While the Reader is picking berries, they fall hurting their leg, but they brush it off. Later on, the reader is cooking and burns their arm, Anatoly notices both injuries and helps.

Word Count:

Warnings: none

Date Started: 5/21/23

Date Finished:

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-Day 2-

The sun shone thro ugh the window. It blinded Anatoly as he awoke his slumber, he really didn't want to be up right now but he knew that today was going to be filled with looking for food. Their rations had gone down a lot. And he means a LOT. All they had was a couple of fruits left, and bread, and they weren't gonna last them long. 

Anatoly sat up in his bed noticing the lack of warmth, Y/n and Karin were gone. Anatoly was surprised Y/n and Karin got up so early, it was just about dawn right now. Karin was not a morning person. Y/n wasn't either but still managed. Anatoly sat up and looked at both beds, the one Karin was laying in was made, and the one he was laying in was half made and partly not made. The red blanket was smooth on Karin's bed. 

Karin walked in the room and fell flat into her bed, sighing. She fell asleep very fast. He looked towards Karin and looked around the room for awhile, getting lost in thought. 

"GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY!" Anatoly heard Gregor yell, he looked toward the door amazed at how loud he was at dawn. He knocked out of thought instantly. 

Everyone walked out of the rooms to find Y/n sitting on a chair reading a book, with Gregor beside her, unfased. Everyone walked out tired as crap and they went to go get rations of food.

Y/n had found a bush along her way back to the cabin and saw berries, it wouldn't hurt to pick some, right?...

She stood at the bottom and looked to where the bush was. Not so high...she stood up and tried to reach but wasnt able to. She knew climbing might result in injury but it was worth it to eat right?

So she started to climb up the tree. The tree was not so tall but was a bit too green for it being the beginning of fall. She grabbed a branch and then pulled herself up. Wasn't too hard. But then she grabbed her basket and started picking.

Soon the basket and full and she tried to leap down realizing her only flaw. She could buy get down by jumping, if she did she'd break something. She tried climbing back down but ended up falling and hurting her leg causing a limp. It caused her great discomfort to stand on her leg but that was better than having to leave back to Ukraine to find a hospital. It could be treated easily.

She walked over to the front of the cabin to find one of her friends waiting for her. Anatoly, she smiled at him and walked all the way back to the cabin, but her limp wasn't going unnoticed.

Anatoly noticed right away. He just didn't say anything and waited for you to say something about it.

"How bout we make dinner tonight instead of the owner?..." she asked.

"Sure, it will show we are grateful they are letting us stay here," Anatoly spoke as he looked at the cabin in front of him. He smiled with a sense of gratitude. He walked in, trying a sneakily help her into the cabin. She didn't notice until she fell over a step and Anatoly helped her up.


"So what should we make?" Y/n asked with a bright smile. 

Anatoly looked around in a bag and suggested a soup. Y/n started cutting up vegetables, cut herself a few times, and then added them into the boiling pot with other seasonings in it.

Adding them too quickly, caused boiling water to splash up and hit Y/n's arms. She quickly ran over to the bag and found some gel that would help with the burns. She applied quickly and then wrapped up her arms. 

Anatoly walked in to see her adding seasoning to the pot but quickly noticed the bandages on her arms.

"OH! Are you ok?! Are you in any pain?" Anatoly spoke as he ran over to Y/n and looked over her arms noticing how sloppy the bandages were put on her arms.

"No, I'm okay, its just a little burn..." she spoke quickly and quietly.

"No, let me finish with the seasoning and then I'll tend to your arms and your leg." He spoke with a smile. He did as he said and help with the bandages and even cuddled with her. 


"Thank you so much, Anatoly.." She spoke with tears in her eyes and she knew her leave would result in even more injury. 

"I'll go with you, Y/n.." Anatoly grabbed her newly bandaged arms in the way of pleading.

"I'll be fine, just make sure to take care of everyone, please?" She asked knowing what this trip would end in.

The door shut behind and Anatoly broke down. Falling to the floor, Gregor came to his side, rubbing his back.

"She'll be back..." 


??? Pov

We were supposed to be honest with each other but you lied, why?

You knew what that trip would end in, and I just can't handle seeing you in this way...

But I guess I lied too when I promised you to take care of everybody.

At least we'll be here together, right Y/n?



This way requested by 

Have a great night!

-Author E.S.

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