Amber's Choice

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Lauren's pov:

After the announcement, we all headed to the fire pit and I sat next to Maura before India got a text "India and Harley, as you are the newest arrivals you will pick first." 

India got up and picked Ovie which made all of us smile and cheer for him glad that he finally got a chance at love. Harley went next and chose Chris which again made us all cheer and smile. Belle went next and chose Anton which made all of us smile and cheer. 

Anna went next and coupled up with Jordan which made us all smile and cheer for her glad to see that she was getting everything that she deserved. I stood up next "I would like to couple up with this boy because every day I am in here, I fall in love with him more and more. At this point, I don't think that I can function without him." I saw Tommy and Curtis smile at each other which made me smile. "He knows me better than I know myself. He knows when I'm about to cry before I do it. I don't think it's a shock to anyone where this is going so the boy I want to couple up with is... Tommy." 

Tommy smiled before hugging Curtis as he came and joined me. He kissed me before we sat down together. He looked at me "that was amazing." 

I chuckled "well, it's all true." He smiled and kissed me again. 

Maura went next and chose Curtis which made all of us smile for her as she could not wipe the smile off of her face. Curtis came and joined her before we realized that this left Michael and Greg. Amber stood up and spoke before picking Greg to most of our surprise which left Michael for Francesca. 

Holy shit, Amber actually chose Greg instead of Michael. I can't believe she actually did it. I'm proud of her though. 

We all split up before talking about the recoupling. I sat with Tommy on the day bed "I can't believe she chose Greg." He nodded in complete disbelief. 

We all got ready for bed before I got into bed with Tommy who hugged me close to him as we fell asleep. The next morning I was still in shock over Amber's choice but I was proud of her for not falling for Michael again. 

I went upstairs washed my face and brushed my teeth before heading outside dressed in a teal bikini. 

I sat with Tommy on the bean bags as Curtis joined us along with Greg, Maura, and Amber

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I sat with Tommy on the bean bags as Curtis joined us along with Greg, Maura, and Amber. I leaned into Tommy's side as we watched Greg and Amber who seemed happy. 

Me, Tommy, and Maura headed to the daybed to talk before Greg got a text "islanders, it's time to find out how well you really know your other half in today's challenge. #listenup #whenyouknowyouknow" 

All of us split to brush up on facts which was just talking like me and Tommy usually do. 

I have a feeling that Tommy and I will actually be really good at this considering we talk about everything and anything.  

We all headed to the fire pit to do the challenge as the boys sat on one side and the girls sat on the other. The partners were across from each other with chalkboards. 

Anton and Belle were hosting. Belle looked at all of us "what are the names of your girl's parents? 

Tommy spoke "Louise and Mitchell Hall." 

I nodded turning around my board "Louise and Mitchell Hall." We got a point, Curtis and Maura got a point, along with Anton and Belle. 

"What's would your girl say is her worst physical feature?" 

Amber and Greg got it wrong then Tommy went "flat feet." He got that right. Michael got it right surprisingly, Ovie didn't get it, and Chris didn't get the point. 

Belle shook her head "if your girl had to couple up with a different boy who would it be?" 

Michael got it right, Ovie got it right as well, Tommy then turned his board "no one." 

Belle looked at me for confirmation and I nodded as I flipped my board "no one." 

We kept going and me and Tommy were getting every question right which made me so happy. Anton looked at all of us "the winning couple, who matched every single question is... Lauren and Tommy." 

Yeah, I'm proud of us for knowing all of that about each other as some of those questions were definitely a little obscure. 

We smiled at each other before heading inside and getting ready for the night. I did my makeup before putting my hair in a high bun and then getting dressed in a black short skirt and a black and white bustier along with black and silver heels. 

I headed outside and was immediately pulled into a hug by Tommy who handed me a glass of wine and then pulled me back into a hug

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I headed outside and was immediately pulled into a hug by Tommy who handed me a glass of wine and then pulled me back into a hug. We moved to the swings before we talked for a little more. He looked at me "I know that your brother made those comments in the tweet challenge about me having my head turned. Do you think that I've proven myself to him?" 

"I think so," I spoke looking at him with one leg crossed over the other. "I think that you definitely have proven that your head's not going to turn with the new girls that walk in." He smiled and pulled me closer to him as we just sat there looking out at the night sky. 

Next Time: 

Jordan asks Anna to be his girlfriend

Amber shares a kiss with Greg

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