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Yes. All the art is stolen off Pinterest. 

Other than that, nothing too outrageous. This... exists for the fun of it. I'm not taking sides, I'm just trying to play with a story. All sides of a story.
I'm throwing in some new characters, changing some few arcs, and hopefully continuing them after the original storyline is done. Maaaaybe expand the magic system down the line. Or as some higher minded individuals would put it, "A whole buncha stuff!"
We follow the story of Tam and Miranda, whith whom I inted to shape the background of Dumbledore's web of connections across this magical realm. Sneak in some worldbuilding and maybe a little more.
We follow the story of Tara, who's trying to understand her place in the world.
We follow the story of Vivenna, who has been suffering from a mysterious ilness since youth.
Finally we follow Song, who really likes to listen to Tara. For all the good that it does him...
Also, I like Pigeons.

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