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The next morning found Tillie walking down the street. Shivering because of the cold, she shoved her gloved hands into her coat pockets. She glanced up, noticing a familiar redhead coming from the other direction.

She squealed, "Martha!"

The redhead stopped in front of the door, and looked at her. She grinned, "Tillie!"

Tillie ran up, engulfing her in a hug. Martha hugged her back.

Tillie pulled back, "You ready to go inside?"

Martha paused, before nodding. She stepped back, grabbing the door handle and pulling it open.

"After you my lady," She grinned, motioning for her to go inside.


Once inside, both girls looked around. Tillie right away spotted who they were looking for, her cousin Bethany sat at one of the tables.

Bethany looked up, and squealed. She hopped out of her chair and ran towards the girls. She hugged Martha excitedly. Bethany spoke, "You look so good!"

Martha smiled, "Thank you Beth."

Tillie grinned, her cousin never ceased to amaze her with how much she's changed.

As the girls stood there, the bell rang once more. The front door to the restaurant opened, and in walked Fridge.

Both Bethany and Martha hugged him immediately.

He grinned, wrapping both girls in a big hug.

Once they stepped back, he locked eyes with Tillie.

She smiled, "Any room for one more?"

He opened his arms, "I'll always have room for you."


After the hugs and excitement of being reunited, they all sat down at the table Bethany had occupied before. As each person looked through the menu, Bethany began talking about what all she did on her family trip. She smiled, "Costa Rica was so amazing." She looked at Tillie, "We all missed you on the trip."

Tillie responded, "I so wish I could have gone. But with how busy school has been, I just didn't have the time to take off."

Bethany sighed, "I know, totally understand."

Martha piped up, trying to lift the mood. "That is awesome, you seemed to really enjoy everywhere you guys went. I'm so happy for you Beth."

Bethany returned her grin.

Fridge spoke up from where he sat by Tillie, "So, is M what we are supposed to call you now?" He grinned.

Martha laughed, a little embarrassed. "You guys definitely don't have to. It's just a nickname that some of my college friends gave me." She waved her hands, "You guys don't have to call me that if you don't want to."

Bethany grinned, "I love it, it's so sexy."

Martha laughed.

"So you and Spence, are you guys still not talking..?"

Martha paused, unsure how to word her thoughts. "Um he and I, we are still taking a break I guess."

Fridge shook his head, frowning a little.

Tillie tapped his arm, whispering in his ear. "It's a bit hard for her to talk about still."

He quietly whispered back, "You were right."

Bethany looked around, "Where is Spencer anyway?"

Everyone pulled out their phones, checking the group chat.

Martha asked Fridge, "Have you talked to Spencer much lately?"

Fridge thought for a second, "Not a lot actually."

Bethany spoke, "I do try to text him a lot. He doesn't always respond to me though."

Tillie piped in, "Same here, I've tried to call him a few times also. He mainly apologizes and will just say he's busy with all his classes."

Fridge motioned, "That's how I've been also. Busy with my classes, my practices with the team, we have games on the weekends.."

"I totally get it."

Tillie set her fork down, looking at her slice of pie. "I can tell you are a little worried Martha, I have been also. Spencer seems a little withdrawn."

Bethany looked at Martha and her cousin, frowning. She's also noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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