Confusing Ocean

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New Beginnings

Rhea POV
I must’ve slept for a long time. Because when I woke up again I could see sunlight peaking through the curtain. I had my back against his chest and tried to stretch my stiff body as best I could without disturbing him. But I felt his arm tighten around me and heard a small groan come from his throat. And I could feel it poking into my butt. Oops. Definitely didn’t mean to bother him, I was trying so hard to be careful. I turned my body around to see if he was awake. And I saw that he still had his eyes closed and a very frustrated look on his face. I looked at him for another minute before raising my hand up to caress the side of his face when he started moving again, I can feel him trying to roll his hips into me
*Baby please* his voice sounded so desperate and needy
I started shaking his shoulder trying to wake him up. His eyes shot open and I can see his cheeks start to flush red, even in this dark room. He backed up from me a little bit looking embarrassed and unsure what to do. I’m positive he knows that I felt that, and I heard him.
He continued looking at me with wide eyes. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him back to me and put my hand on his hip, slowly moving my hand up and down the side of his body, feeling his muscles beneath my hand. Now it was my turn for my cheeks to flush red. I’m not sure what’s coming over me right now. But he didn’t stop me. I slipped my hand under his shirt, feeling his muscular back, slid my hand from his back to his very defined abs and up his chest, feeling him slightly trembling beneath my hand.
He didn’t have his hands on me. And I can see the frustrated look in his face, the lust forming in his eyes.
I took the leap, swiftly pulling my hand from under his shirt and to the side of his face and I kissed him, but he didn’t kiss me back. And I backed away from him and started apologizing over and over again.
He moved quickly so his body was hovering over mine, his face slowly coming down to mine, his lips softly pushing into mine, synchronizing perfectly together. I kept my arms by my side, scared that I would do something wrong again. And he pulled away from me, looking into my eyes before his lips started moving to my jaw and down to my collarbone, using his tongue as he came back up to my jaw again. I tried very hard to keep my breathing controlled as he looked into my eyes again
*Baby, I don’t want this to be how our first time is. If that’s what you were wanting to. I want to take you out first if you’ll let me* his eyes so warm as they looked into mine
*So you want to take me out on a date? Really?*
*Of course sweetheart. If you’re comfortable with it, but it will have to wait a couple days, you have to stay in bed for two more days before you can start moving around normal again*
I pouted hearing him say that. I don’t want to stay cooped up in bed. I want to go out with him, and see the world
*Okay, so as soon as I can move around, you’re going to take me out?*
*Yes sweetheart* and he very softly kissed every part of my face making me giggle
*I’m gonna go make you some breakfast okay? You also need to eat three meals a day and drink lots of fluids*
* Oh you don’t have to do that, I feel bad* pouting again
*No baby, I really don’t mind. It makes me happy to do anything I can for you, so don’t worry about it okay* another swift kiss on my lips and he got up, opened the door and walked out
I don’t know how to comprehend what just happened. It was so fucking hot and I only want more. Geez I need to control myself. Okay, simmer down now. I was about to roll over again so I can see the sunlight coming through the curtain again when I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I wonder what he’s doing now, maybe changing his clothes first.
His footsteps coming around the bed and it was Hongjoong
*Good morning baby, how are you feeling today?*
*A little confused still. Hongjoong, am I dating you and Yeosang? Or what’s happening?*
*Baby you’re actually dating all of us* his beautiful smile appearing on his face
Just roll with it. It’s going to be okay. He uncovered me and picked me up cradling me in his arms and ran to his room giggling the whole way as he put me down in his bed and covered me up, climbing into bed with me, his arms wrapped around my body and he held me close
Another flash appeared in my head, and I saw him in a suit sitting across the table from me
*Hongjoong, did you take me on a date?*
*Yes I did, do you remember that?* His tone a little excited
*Ive had two flashbacks so far. One in the car of you resting your hand on top of the garter on my leg, and now, seeing you sit across the table from me wearing a suit. Did that actually happen?*
*Yeah baby it did, this is so good baby. You remembered something. Even if it was brief. It’s going to be okay, I’m here for you okay*
*Okay, thanks Hongjoong*
I stayed in his warm embrace, feeling a little more comfortable being here now. Faint footsteps coming up the stairs, and walking down the hallway
*Baby?* His voice so sad, it was Yeosang
*Yeosangie I’m in here* his footsteps getting closer and he stood in the doorway holding a plate of food and a glass of juice, pouting because I’m with Hongjoong now.
*Don’t worry Yeosangie, I’ll be back in your room with you before you know it*
He smiled like an excited child, flipping on the light and walking over to me to bring me my food
*Thanks so much, I feel really bad that you had to go through all this trouble*
He leaned down and kissed my cheek, saying again that he’s happy to do anything for me.
I blushed again, taking the plate from him, he set down the juice on the nightstand giving me a warm smile before he walked out of the room. Leaving me alone with Hongjoong, he said he was going to take a quick shower and let me eat my breakfast
Pancakes with strawberries and orange juice. Hmm.
I cleaned the plate, I guess I was really hungry after all. His bathroom door opening and steam coming out, he was only wearing a pair of shorts, he rubbed the towel through his hair again and tossed it into the bathroom, shaking his head around to try and fix his hair without having to use his hands
*Hongjoong I’m sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom*
*No worries dear, just hang on*
He walked over to the side of the bed and lifted me up in his arms, his body so warm, I looked at him respectfully, he’s defined in muscle too. Are they all defined in muscle? He set me down by the toilet and walked out, closing the door. I finished up my business. Washing my hands and looking at myself in the mirror. I look like shit. There’s deep bags under my eyes even though I just slept for a long time. I need to find a brush and a toothbrush to make myself look more presentable.
I walked over to the door and opened it, scaring him, he was standing in front of the door. Frowning as he looked at me
*Baby you should’ve just called for me*
*I’m sorry. Is it possible for me to get a hairbrush and a toothbrush. I feel so icky right now*
*Of course* he walked to the end of his bed, to this suitcase resting on the bench and opened it up grabbing a black hairbrush, and a toothbrush
*This is actually your suitcase baby*
I glanced over towards the open suitcase. I don’t recognize anything in it. It can’t be mine. My eyebrows knit together. Coming back to me, he softly kissed my cheek and gave me a small hug whispering that everything was going to be okay
I turned back around and brushed my hair and teeth. God that feels so much better.
*Hongjoong I’m done now*
He came back in and hugged me from behind, my breath getting caught in my throat for a brief moment as he lifted me back up and brought me to his bed

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